Pablo Seleson
Cited by
Cited by
Peridynamics as an upscaling of molecular dynamics
P Seleson, ML Parks, M Gunzburger, RB Lehoucq
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 8 (1), 204-227, 2009
On the role of the influence function in the peridynamic theory
P Seleson, M Parks
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 9 (6), 2011
A force-based coupling scheme for peridynamics and classical elasticity
P Seleson, S Beneddine, S Prudhomme
Computational Materials Science 66, 34-49, 2013
Improved one-point quadrature algorithms for two-dimensional peridynamic models based on analytical calculations
P Seleson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 282, 184–217, 2014
Convergence studies in meshfree peridynamic simulations
P Seleson, DJ Littlewood
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 71 (11), 2432-2448, 2016
Variable horizon in a peridynamic medium
S Silling, D Littlewood, P Seleson
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 10 (5), 591-612, 2015
Interface problems in nonlocal diffusion and sharp transitions between local and nonlocal domains
P Seleson, M Gunzburger, ML Parks
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 266, 185-204, 2013
Peridynamics with LAMMPS: A User Guide, v0.3 Beta
ML Parks, P Seleson, SJ Plimpton, SA Silling, RB Lehoucq
Sandia Report (2011–8253), 2011
Concurrent coupling of bond-based peridynamics and the Navier equation of classical elasticity by blending
P Seleson, YD Ha, S Beneddine
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 13 (2), 2015
A review of Local-to-Nonlocal coupling methods in nonlocal diffusion and nonlocal mechanics
M D’Elia, X Li, P Seleson, X Tian, Y Yu
Journal of Peridynamics and Nonlocal Modeling, 1-50, 2021
Peridynamics with LAMMPS: A user guide
ML Parks, P Seleson, SJ Plimpton, RB Lehoucq, SA Silling
Sandia National Laboratory Report, SAND2008-0135, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2008
Bond-based peridynamics: A tale of two Poisson’s ratios
J Trageser, P Seleson
Journal of Peridynamics and Nonlocal Modeling 2 (3), 278-288, 2020
Overall equilibrium in the coupling of peridynamics and classical continuum mechanics
G Ongaro, P Seleson, U Galvanetto, T Ni, M Zaccariotto
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 381, 113515, 2021
Dirichlet absorbing boundary conditions for classical and peridynamic diffusion-type models
A Shojaei, A Hermann, P Seleson, CJ Cyron
Computational Mechanics 66, 773-793, 2020
A reproducing kernel enhanced approach for peridynamic solutions
M Pasetto, Y Leng, JS Chen, JT Foster, P Seleson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 340, 1044-1078, 2018
A hybrid meshfree discretization to improve the numerical performance of peridynamic models
A Shojaei, A Hermann, CJ Cyron, P Seleson, SA Silling
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 391, 114544, 2022
A general peridynamics model for multiphase transport of non-Newtonian compressible fluids in porous media
A Katiyar, S Agrawal, H Ouchi, P Seleson, JT Foster, MM Sharma
Journal of Computational Physics 402, 109075, 2020
On the consistency between nearest-neighbor peridynamic discretizations and discretized classical elasticity models
P Seleson, Q Du, ML Parks
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 311, 698-722, 2016
Peridynamic state-based models and the embedded-atom model
P Seleson, ML Parks, M Gunzburger
Communications in Computational Physics 15 (1), 179-205, 2014
Bridging methods for atomistic-to-continuum coupling and their implementation
P Seleson, M Gunzburger
Communications in Computational Physics 7 (4), 831, 2010
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Articles 1–20