Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Badji - Mokhtar University - Annaba, Algeria
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Cited by
Cited by
Simultaneous allocation of photovoltaic DG and DSTATCOM for techno‐economic and environmental benefits in electrical distribution systems at different loading conditions using …
M Zellagui, A Lasmari, S Settoul, RA El‐Sehiemy, CZ El‐Bayeh, R Chenni
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 31 (8), e12992, 2021
MFO algorithm for optimal location and sizing of multiple photovoltaic distributed generations units for loss reduction in distribution systems
S Settoul, R Chenni, HA Hasan, M Zellagui, MN Kraimia
2019 7th International renewable and sustainable energy conference (IRSEC), 1-6, 2019
Simultaneous optimal integration of photovoltaic distributed generation and battery energy storage system in active distribution network using chaotic grey wolf optimization
N Belbachir, M Zellagui, S Settoul, CZ El-Bayeh, B Bekkouche
Электротехника и электромеханика, 52-61, 2021
A new optimization algorithm for optimal wind turbine location problem in Constantine city electric distribution network based active power loss reduction
S Settoul, M Zellagui, R Chenni
Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering 14 (2), 13-22, 2021
Optimal allocation of renewable energy source integrated-smart distribution systems based on technical-economic analysis considering load demand and DG uncertainties
M Zellagui, S Settoul, A Lasmari, CZ El-Bayeh, R Chenni, HA Hassan
Artificial Intelligence and Renewables Towards an Energy Transition 4, 391-404, 2021
Arithmetic optimization algorithm for optimal installation of DSTATCOM into distribution system based on various voltage stability indices
M Zellagui, A Lasmari, S Settoul, CZ El-Bayeh, R Chenni, N Belbachir
2021 9th International Conference on Modern Power Systems (MPS), 1-6, 2021
Multi dimension-based optimal allocation of uncertain renewable distributed generation outputs with seasonal source-load power uncertainties in electrical distribution network …
N Belbachir, M Zellagui, S Settoul, CZ El-Bayeh, RA El-Sehiemy
Energies 16 (4), 1595, 2023
Optimal integration of renewable distributed generation using the whale optimization algorithm for techno-economic analysis
S Settoul, R Chenni, M Zellagui, H Nouri
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering …, 2021
Optimal energy-efficient integration of photovoltaic DG in radial distribution systems for various load models
A Lasmari, M Zellagui, HA Hassan, S Settoul, AY Abdelaziz, R Chenni
2020 11th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), 1-6, 2020
Multi-objective optimal renewable distributed generator integration in distribution systems using grasshopper optimization algorithm considering overcurrent relay indices
N Belbachir, M Zellagui, S Settoul, CZ El-Bayeh
2021 9th International Conference on Modern Power Systems (MPS), 1-6, 2021
Assessment integration of hybrid PV-DSTATCOM-BES-DG system in EDS under uncertainties using chaotic adaptive inertia weight PSO algorithms
M Zellagui, A Lasmari, S Settoul, CZ El-Bayeh, R Chenni
2021 12th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical …, 2021
Optimal hourly scheduling of PV sources in EDS considering the power variability of load demand and DG using MOGWO algorithm
A Lasmari, S Settoul, M Zellagui, R Chenni
2020 6th International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion …, 2020
Technical-Economic Indices for Optimal Integration of Photovoltaic Distributed Generation Units Using Hybrid PSO-WOA Technique.
S Settoul, M Zellagui, R Chenni, N Belbachir
Journal of Power Technologies 102 (1), 2022
Optimal integration of renewable distributed generation in practical distribution grids based on moth-flame optimization algorithm
S Settoul, M Zellagui, AY Abdelaziz, R Chenni
2019 International Conference on Advanced Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 1-5, 2019
Integration of PV distributed generator in electrical distribution system with electric vehicles charging stations considering uncertainties using chaotic SSA algorithm
M Zellagui, A Lasmari, S Settoul, R Chenni
Journal of Renewable Energies 24 (1), 5–24-5–24, 2021
Chaos game optimization algorithm for parameters identification of different models of photovoltaic solar cell and module
M Zellagui, S Settoul, CZ El-Bayeh, N Belbachir
Journal of Renewable Energies, 245–259-245–259, 2022
Optimal allocation of renewable energy sources in electrical distribution systems based on technical and economic indices
M Zellagui, S Settoul, HA Hassan
Sustainable Developments by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for …, 2022
Multi-Objective Optimal Allocation of Hybrid Electric Vehicles Charging Stations and Renewable Distributed Generators into the Distribution System
M Zellagui, S Settoul, N Belbachir
2023 8th International Engineering Conference on Renewable Energy …, 2023
Optimal Allocation of Multiple Hybrid Fault Current Limiter in Electrical Distribution System Using Slime Mould Algorithm
M Zellagui, S Settoul
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Technological Advances …, 2023
Optimal Multi-Objective Energy Management of Renewable Distributed Integration in Smart Distribution Grids Considering Uncertainties
M Zellagui, N Belbachir, S Settoul, CZ El-Bayeh
Smart and Power Grid Systems–Design Challenges and Paradigms, 83-116, 2023
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Articles 1–20