Vinod  Sharma
Vinod Sharma
Professor of ECE, Indian Institute of Science
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Optimal energy management policies for energy harvesting sensor nodes
V Sharma, U Mukherji, V Joseph, S Gupta
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 9 (4), 2010
Algorithms for routing and centralized scheduling in IEEE 802.16 mesh networks
H Shetiya, V Sharma
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2006. WCNC 2006. 1 …, 2006
Power constrained and delay optimal policies for scheduling transmission over a fading channel
M Goyal, A Kumar, V Sharma
INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-Second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2003
Efficient and fair scheduling of uplink and downlink in IEEE 802.16 OFDMA networks
V Singh, V Sharma
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2006. WCNC 2006. IEEE 2 …, 2006
Entropy and channel capacity in the regenerative setup with applications to Markov channels
V Sharma, SK Singh
Proceedings. 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (IEEE …, 2001
Information capacity of energy harvesting sensor nodes
R Rajesh, V Sharma, P Viswanath
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings, 2363-2367, 2011
Capacity of Gaussian channels with energy harvesting and processing cost
R Rajesh, V Sharma, P Viswanath
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60 (5), 2563-2575, 2014
Performance Based Evaluation of Various Machine Learning Classification Techniques for Chronic Kidney Disease Diagnosis
S Sharma, V Sharma, A Sharma
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.09581, 2016
Performance analysis of a cooperative system with rateless codes and buffered relays
NB Mehta, V Sharma, G Bansal
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10 (4), 1069-1081, 2011
Analytical models for capacity estimation of IEEE 802.11 WLANs using DCF for internet applications
G Kuriakose, S Harsha, A Kumar, V Sharma
Wireless Networks 15 (2), 259-277, 2009
Capacity of fading Gaussian channel with an energy harvesting sensor node
R Rajesh, V Sharma, P Viswanath
2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference-GLOBECOM 2011, 1-6, 2011
Optimal sleep-wake policies for an energy harvesting sensor node
V Joseph, V Sharma, U Mukherji
2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-6, 2009
Efficient energy management policies for networks with energy harvesting sensor nodes
V Sharma, U Mukherji, V Joseph
2008 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2008
Optimal cross-layer scheduling of transmissions over a fading multiaccess channel
M Goyal, A Kumar, V Sharma
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (8), 3518-3537, 2008
Exponential diversity achieving spatio–temporal power allocation scheme for fading channels
V Sharma, K Premkumar, RN Swamy
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (1), 188-208, 2008
Convergence and performance analysis of Godard family and multimodulus algorithms for blind equalization
V Sharma, VN Raj
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53 (4), 1520-1533, 2005
Generalized analysis of a distributed energy efficient algorithm for change detection
T Banerjee, V Sharma, V Kavitha, AK Jayaprakasam
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10 (1), 91-101, 2011
Feature extractors for distortion-invariant robot vision
D Casasent, V Sharma
Optical Engineering 23 (5), 492-498, 1984
A finite buffer queue with priorities
V Sharma, JT Virtamo
Performance Evaluation 47 (1), 1-22, 2002
An efficient algorithm for cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks
V Sharma, AK Jayaprakasam
arXiv preprint arXiv:0809.2931, 2008
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Articles 1–20