Jue Zhou
Jue Zhou
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Condensing boiler applications in the process industry
Q Chen, K Finney, H Li, X Zhang, J Zhou, V Sharifi, J Swithenbank
Applied Energy 89 (1), 30-36, 2012
Numerical investigation of low NOx combustion strategies in tangentially-fired coal boilers
X Zhang, J Zhou, S Sun, R Sun, M Qin
Fuel 142, 215-221, 2015
Vortex roll-up criterion for synthetic jets
J Zhou, H Tang, S Zhong
AIAA journal 47 (5), 1252-1262, 2009
Numerical simulation of the interaction of a circular synthetic jet with a boundary layer
J Zhou, S Zhong
Computers & Fluids 38 (2), 393-405, 2009
Numerical study on the effect of the Over-Fire-Air to the air flow and coal combustion in a 670 t/h wall-fired boiler
L Huang, Z Li, R Sun, J Zhou
Fuel processing technology 87 (4), 363-371, 2006
Coherent structures produced by the interaction between synthetic jets and a laminar boundary layer and their surface shear stress patterns
J Zhou, S Zhong
Computers & Fluids 39 (8), 1296-1313, 2010
Modelling and mapping sustainable heating for cities
KN Finney, J Zhou, Q Chen, X Zhang, C Chan, VN Sharifi, J Swithenbank, ...
Applied Thermal Engineering 53 (2), 246-255, 2013
Effects of Flue Gas Recirculation on Emissions from a Small Scale Wood Chip Fired Boiler
Q Chen, X Zhang, J Zhou, VN Sharifi, J Swithenbank
Energy Procedia 66, 65-68, 2015
Experimental study and numerical simulation of gas-particle flows with radial bias combustion and centrally fuel rich swirl burners
李争起, 周珏, 陈智超, 孙锐, 秦裕琨
哈尔滨工业大学学报: 英文版 15 (1), 1-8, 2008
Numerical simulation of the interaction of a circular synthetic jet with a laminar boundary layer
J Zhou, S Zhong
4th Flow Control Conference, 3994, 2008
A numerical investigation of the interaction of an array of synthetic jets with a separated boundary layer
J Zhou, S Zhong
Postgraduate Research Conference, 68, 2009
Two-stage method for optimal operation of a distributed energy system
J Xue, J Zhou, Y Chen
Power System Technology (POWERCON), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, 1-6, 2016
周珏, 陈群, 张晓辉, 陈耀斌
节能技术 33 (4), 332-339, 2015
Heat Recovery and Utilisation
KN Finney, J Zhou, Q Chen, X Zhang, C Chan, VN Sharifi, J Swithenbank, ...
The 2 nd PRO-TEM Network Conference, 78, 0
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