Leonardo Fonseca Reginato
Leonardo Fonseca Reginato
Research Technician at The University of Texas at Austin
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Cited by
Optimization of ionic concentrations in engineered water injection in carbonate reservoir through ANN and FGA
LF Reginato, LG Pedroni, ALM Compan, R Skinner, MA Sampaio
Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 76, 13, 2021
Prediction of wettability alteration using the artificial neural networks in the salinity control of water injection in carbonate reservoirs
LF Reginato, CC Carneiro, RS Gioria, MS Pinto
Offshore technology conference Brasil, D021S026R001, 2019
Hybrid Machine Learning for Modeling the Relative Permeability Changes in Carbonate Reservoirs under Engineered Water Injection
LF Reginato, RS Gioria, MA Sampaio
Energies 16 (13), 4849, 2023
Application of machine learning techniques for modeling of relative permeability in engineered water injection in carbonate reservoirs.
LF Reginato
Universidade de São Paulo, 2022
Modelagem e Simulação de Injeção de Água de Baixa Salinidade em Reservatório Carbonático do Pré-Sal
LF Reginato, PH Ranazzi, DF Santos, A Sampaio, M
III Congresso Nacional de Engenharia de Petróleo, Gás Natural e …, 2018
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Articles 1–5