Itamar Lensky
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Cited by
Satellite-based insights into precipitation formation processes in continental and maritime convective clouds
D Rosenfeld, IM Lensky
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 79 (11), 2457-2476, 1998
Clouds-aerosols-precipitation satellite analysis tool (CAPSAT)
IM Lensky, D Rosenfeld
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 8 (2), 4765-4809, 2008
The role of local land-use on the urban heat island effect of Tel Aviv as assessed from satellite remote sensing
O Rotem-Mindali, Y Michael, D Helman, IM Lensky
Applied Geography 56, 145-153, 2015
Estimation of precipitation area and rain intensity based on the microphysical properties retrieved from NOAA AVHRR data
IM Lensky, D Rosenfeld
Journal of Applied Meteorology 36 (3), 234-242, 1997
High relative abundance of the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans is associated with lumpy skin disease outbreaks in Israeli dairy farms
E Kahana‐Sutin, E Klement, I Lensky, Y Gottlieb
Medical and Veterinary Entomology 31 (2), 150-160, 2017
The time-space exchangeability of satellite retrieved relations between cloud top temperature and particle effective radius
IM Lensky, D Rosenfeld
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6 (10), 2887-2894, 2006
Forecasting fire risk with machine learning and dynamic information derived from satellite vegetation index time-series
Y Michael, D Helman, O Glickman, D Gabay, S Brenner, IM Lensky
Science of The Total Environment 764, 142844, 2021
A phenology-based method for monitoring woody and herbaceous vegetation in Mediterranean forests from NDVI time series
D Helman, IM Lensky, N Tessler, Y Osem
Remote Sensing 7 (9), 12314-12335, 2015
Forests growing under dry conditions have higher hydrological resilience to drought than do more humid forests
D Helman, IM Lensky, D Yakir, Y Osem
Global Change Biology 23 (7), 2801-2817, 2017
A night-rain delineation algorithm for infrared satellite data based on microphysical considerations
IM Lensky, D Rosenfeld
Journal of Applied Meteorology 42 (9), 1218-1226, 2003
Relationships between climate, topography, water use and productivity in two key Mediterranean forest types with different water-use strategies
D Helman, Y Osem, D Yakir, IM Lensky
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 232, 319-330, 2017
Satellite-based insights into precipitation formation processes in continental and maritime convective clouds at nighttime
IM Lensky, D Rosenfeld
Journal of Applied Meteorology 42 (9), 1227-1233, 2003
Worldwide continuous gap-filled MODIS land surface temperature dataset
S Shiff, D Helman, IM Lensky
Scientific Data 8 (1), 74, 2021
Effect of water surface salinity on evaporation: The case of a diluted buoyant plume over the Dead Sea
Z Mor, S Assouline, J Tanny, IM Lensky, NG Lensky
Water Resources Research 54 (3), 1460-1475, 2018
Demographic and environmental risk factors for infection by Theileria equi in 590 horses in Israel
A Steinman, T Zimmerman, E Klement, IM Lensky, D Berlin, Y Gottlieb, ...
Veterinary Parasitology 187 (3-4), 558-562, 2012
Economic assessment of fire damage to urban forest in the wildland–urban interface using planet satellites constellation images
Y Michael, IM Lensky, S Brenner, A Tchetchik, N Tessler, D Helman
Remote Sensing 10 (9), 1479, 2018
Prevalence of the symbiont Cardinium in Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) vector species is associated with land surface temperature
N Morag, E Klement, Y Saroya, I Lensky, Y Gottlieb
The FASEB Journal 26 (10), 4025-4034, 2012
Detecting changes in biomass productivity in a different land management regimes in drylands using satellite‐derived vegetation index
D Helman, A Mussery, IM Lensky, S Leu
Soil use and management 30 (1), 32-39, 2014
Olive Fruit Fly (Bactrocera oleae) Population Dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean: Influence of Exogenous Uncertainty on a Monophagous Frugivorous Insect
M Ordano, I Engelhard, P Rempoulakis, E Nemny-Lavy, M Blum, S Yasin, ...
PloS one 10 (5), e0127798, 2015
Seasonal and diurnal evaporation from a deep hypersaline lake: The Dead Sea as a case study
I Hamdani, S Assouline, J Tanny, IM Lensky, I Gertman, Z Mor, NG Lensky
Journal of Hydrology 562, 155-167, 2018
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Articles 1–20