Prof. dr Milica Kostic-Stankovic
Prof. dr Milica Kostic-Stankovic
Šef katedre za marketing menadžment, odnose s javnošću i multimedijalne komunikacije, FON
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Cited by
Cited by
Odnosi s javnošću
V Filipović, M Kostić-Stanković
Fakultet organizacionih nauka, 2014
Understanding the heterogeneity of Generation Y's preferences for travelling: A conjoint analysis approach
M Vukic, M Kuzmanovic, M Kostic Stankovic
International Journal of Tourism Research 17 (5), 482-491, 2015
Factors affecting students’ attitudes towards e-learning
M Jović, MK Stankovic, E Neskovic
Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in …, 2017
Customer relationship management in banking industry: Modern approach
J Cvijović, M Kostić-Stanković, M Reljić
Industrija 45 (3), 2017
Police officer scheduling using goal programming
D Todovic, D Makajic-Nikolic, M Kostic-Stankovic, M Martic
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 38 (2 …, 2015
Influencer marketing kao način promocije brenda putem društvenih mreža
M Kostić Stanković, S Bijakšić, N Ćorić
CroDiM: International Journal of Marketing Science 3 (1), 146-158, 2020
Foreign direct investments’ impact on economic growth in Serbia
V Vukmirović, M Kostić-Stanković, D Pavlović, J Ateljević, D Bjelica, ...
Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 23 (1), 122-143, 2021
Integrisane poslovne komunikacije
M Kostić-Stanković
Beograd: Fakultet organizacionih nauka, 2011
Green advertising and its impact on environmentally friendly consumption choices-A review
J Krstić, M Kostić-Stanković, J Cvijović
Industrija 49 (1), 93-110, 2021
See it and believe it? Conceptual model for exploring the recall and recognition of embedded advertisements of sponsors
M Maricic, M Kostic-Stankovic, M Bulajic, V Jeremic
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 20 (2), 333-352, 2019
Towards an impartial Responsible Competitiveness Index: a twofold multivariate I-distance approach
M Maricic, M Kostic-Stankovic
Quality & Quantity 50, 103-120, 2016
Influencers as a Segment of Digital Marketing Communication–Generation Y Attitudes
V Vukmirović, M Kostić-Stanković, I Domazet
Marketing: časopis Jugoslavenskog udruženja za marketing JUMA 51 (2), 98-107, 2020
Determinants of young adult consumers’ environmentally and socially responsible apparel consumption
T Vlastelica, M Kostić-Stanković, T Rajić, J Krstić, T Obradović
Sustainability 15 (2), 1057, 2023
Quality of life in patients with MuSK positive myasthenia gravis
M Stankovic, S Peric, O Stojiljkovic Tamas, T Stankovic, A Nikolic, ...
Acta Neurologica Belgica 118, 423-427, 2018
Generation Z’s intentions towards sustainable clothing disposal: extending the theory of planned behavior
T Vlastelica, M Kostić-Stanković, J Krstić, T Rajić
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 32 (3), 2345-2360, 2023
Kognitivne pristrasnosti u marketinškoj komunikaciji-uticaj usidrenja i uokvirivanja poruka na percepciju i spremnost potrošača na kupovinu
S Bunčić, J Krstić, M Kostić-Stanković
Marketing 52 (2), 103-117, 2021
Research of indirect advertising in video game industry
V Stavljanin, J Cvijović, M Kostić-Stanković
Industrija 45 (4), 2017
Environmental aspect of business communications
B Kitić, M Kostić-Stanković, J Cvijović, D Lečić-Cvetković
Management-časopis za teoriju i praksu menadžmenta 20 (74), 69-76, 2015
Market segmentation in the film industry based on genre preference: The case of millennials
D Nikolić, M Kostić-Stanković, V Jeremić
Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics 33 (2), 215-228, 2022
Marketing management
V Filipović, M Kostić-Stanković
FON, Belgrade, 2007
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Articles 1–20