Sven Hillen
Cited by
Cited by
The consequences of supply gaps in two‐dimensional policy spaces for voter turnout and political support: The case of economically left‐wing and culturally right‐wing citizens …
S Hillen, ND Steiner
European Journal of Political Research 59 (2), 331-353, 2020
Vote choices of left-authoritarians: Misperceived congruence and issue salience
ND Steiner, S Hillen
Electoral Studies 70, 102280, 2021
Links-autoritäre bürger bei der bundestagswahl 2013: Sozialstrukturelle determinanten und konsequenzen einer angebotslücke für wahlbeteiligung und regimeunterstützung
ND Steiner, S Hillen
Identität-Identifikation-Ideologie: Analysen zu politischen Einstellungen …, 2019
Economy or culture? How the relative salience of policy dimensions shapes partisan effects on welfare state generosity
S Hillen
Socio-Economic Review 21 (2), 985-1005, 2023
„Nur wer wählt, zählt “? Eine Analyse des Zusammenhangs von Wahlbeteiligung und arbeitsmarktbezogenen sozialen Leistungen linker Parteien in OECD-Ländern
S Hillen
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 533-559, 2017
Rising inequality and public support for redistribution
S Hillen, ND Steiner
European Journal of Political Research 64 (1), 442-455, 2025
Perceptions of policy responsiveness: the effects of egocentric and sociotropic congruence
S Hillen, ND Steiner, C Landwehr
West European Politics, 1-28, 2024
Left-authoritarians and voter turnout in West European countries
S Hillen, ND Steiner
Available at SSRN 2947782, 2017
Citizens with economically left-wing and culturally right-wing views vote less and are less satisfied with politics
S Hillen, N Steiner
Democratic Audit Blog, 2019
Who Votes for the Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW)? A Policy-Space Perspective
ND Steiner, S Hillen
Gutenberg School of Management and Economics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität …, 2024
Mobilizing (Left-Authoritarian) Non-Voters? The Impact of the BSW on Voter Turnout
S Hillen, ND Steiner
OSF, 2024
Die Klassenzusammensetzung der Regierungswählerschaft: Soziale Klassen, Parteiendifferenz und Sozialstaatstätigkeit
S Hillen
Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 64 (4), 399-429, 2018
Two-dimensional political competition and the party politics of the welfare state: How voter turnout, class voting and the salience of cultural issues condition party effects …
S Hillen
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Articles 1–13