Miquel Ferrer
Miquel Ferrer
Schibsted Media Group
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Generalized median graph computation by means of graph embedding in vector spaces
M Ferrer, E Valveny, F Serratosa, K Riesen, H Bunke
Pattern Recognition 43 (4), 1642-1655, 2010
Graph-based k-means clustering: A comparison of the set median versus the generalized median graph
M Ferrer, E Valveny, F Serratosa, I Bardají, H Bunke
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 342-350, 2009
Determination of the elasticity modulus of 3D-printed octet-truss structures for use in porous prosthesis implants
A Bagheri, I Buj-Corral, M Ferrer Ballester, M Magdalena Pastor, ...
Materials 11 (12), 2420, 2018
Synthesis of median spectral graph
M Ferrer, F Serratosa, A Sanfeliu
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 11-21, 2005
Median graph: A new exact algorithm using a distance based on the maximum common subgraph
M Ferrer, E Valveny, F Serratosa
Pattern Recognition Letters 30 (5), 579-588, 2009
An experimental investigation of a new perfect bond technology for composite slabs
M Ferrer, F Marimon, M Casafont
Construction and Building Materials 166, 618-633, 2018
Improving bipartite graph matching by assessing the assignment confidence
M Ferrer, F Serratosa, K Riesen
Pattern Recognition Letters 65, 29-36, 2015
Median graphs: A genetic approach based on new theoretical properties
M Ferrer, E Valveny, F Serratosa
Pattern Recognition 42 (9), 2003-2012, 2009
Generalized median string computation by means of string embedding in vector spaces
X Jiang, J Wentker, M Ferrer
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (7), 842-852, 2012
Approximate graph edit distance in quadratic time
K Riesen, M Ferrer, H Bunke
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 17 (2 …, 2015
A 3D finite element analysis model of single implant-supported prosthesis under dynamic impact loading for evaluation of stress in the crown, abutment and cortical bone using …
O Cantó-Navés, R Medina-Galvez, X Marimon, M Ferrer, ...
Materials 14 (13), 3519, 2021
A generic framework for median graph computation based on a recursive embedding approach
M Ferrer, D Karatzas, E Valveny, I Bardají, H Bunke
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 115 (7), 919-928, 2011
Approximation of graph edit distance in quadratic time
K Riesen, M Ferrer, A Fischer, H Bunke
Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition: 10th IAPR-TC-15 …, 2015
Comparison between experimental digital image processing and numerical methods for stress analysis in dental implants with different restorative materials
O Cantó-Navés, X Marimon, M Ferrer, J Cabratosa-Termes
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 113, 104092, 2021
Greedy graph edit distance
K Riesen, M Ferrer, R Dornberger, H Bunke
Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition: 11th International …, 2015
Bone stress evaluation with and without cortical bone using several dental restorative materials subjected to impact load: A fully 3D transient finite-element study
R Medina-Galvez, O Cantó-Navés, X Marimon, M Cerrolaza, M Ferrer, ...
Materials 14 (19), 5801, 2021
Experimental study on ferritic stainless steel trapezoidal decks for composite slabs in construction stage
I Arrayago, E Real, E Mirambell, F Marimon, M Ferrer
Thin-Walled Structures 134, 255-267, 2019
Experimental investigation on ferritic stainless steel composite slabs
I Arrayago, M Ferrer, F Marimon, E Real, E Mirambell
Engineering Structures 174, 538-547, 2018
A first step towards exact graph edit distance using bipartite graph matching
M Ferrer, F Serratosa, K Riesen
International Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition …, 2015
An approximate algorithm for median graph computation using graph embedding
M Ferrer, E Valveny, F Serratosa, K Riesen, H Bunke
2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1-4, 2008
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Articles 1–20