Yiwen Rong
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Cited by
Strong enhancement of direct transition photoluminescence with highly tensile-strained Ge grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Y Huo, H Lin, R Chen, M Makarova, Y Rong, M Li, TI Kamins, J Vuckovic, ...
Applied Physics Letters 98 (1), 2011
Ge/SiGe quantum well waveguide modulator monolithically integrated with SOI waveguides
S Ren, Y Rong, SA Claussen, RK Schaevitz, TI Kamins, JS Harris, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 24 (6), 461-463, 2011
Quantum-confined Stark effect in Ge/SiGe quantum wells on Si
Y Rong, Y Ge, Y Huo, M Fiorentino, MRT Tan, TI Kamins, TJ Ochalski, ...
IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 16 (1), 85-92, 2009
Selective epitaxial growth of Ge/Si0. 15Ge0. 85 quantum wells on Si substrate using reduced pressure chemical vapor deposition
S Ren, Y Rong, TI Kamins, JS Harris, DAB Miller
Applied Physics Letters 98 (15), 2011
Simple electroabsorption calculator for designing 1310 nm and 1550 nm modulators using germanium quantum wells
RK Schaevitz, EH Edwards, JE Roth, ET Fei, Y Rong, P Wahl, TI Kamins, ...
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 48 (2), 187-197, 2011
Ge/SiGe asymmetric Fabry-Perot quantum well electroabsorption modulators
EH Edwards, RM Audet, ET Fei, SA Claussen, RK Schaevitz, E Tasyurek, ...
Optics Express 20 (28), 29164-29173, 2012
Surface-normal Ge/SiGe asymmetric Fabry–Perot optical modulators fabricated on silicon substrates
RM Audet, EH Edwards, KC Balram, SA Claussen, RK Schaevitz, ...
Journal of lightwave technology 31 (24), 3995-4003, 2013
X-ray diffraction analysis of step-graded InxGa1− xAs buffer layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy
H Lin, Y Huo, Y Rong, R Chen, TI Kamins, JS Harris
Journal of crystal growth 323 (1), 17-20, 2011
MBE growth of tensile-strained Ge quantum wells and quantum dots
Y Huo, H Lin, R Chen, Y Rong, TI Kamins, JS Harris
Frontiers of Optoelectronics 5, 112-116, 2012
Si-Ge surface-normal asymmetric Fabry-Perot quantum-confined Stark effect electroabsorption modulator
EH Edwards, RM Audet, SA Claussen, RK Schaevitz, E Taşyürek, S Ren, ...
IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals 2010, 211-212, 2010
High speed optical modulation in Ge quantum wells using quantum confined stark effect
Y Rong, Y Huo, ET Fei, M Fiorentino, MRT Tan, T Ochalski, G Huyet, ...
Frontiers of Optoelectronics 5, 82-89, 2012
Ge quantum well resonator modulators
EH Edwards, RM Audet, E Fei, G Shambat, RK Schaevitz, Y Rong, ...
8th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, 80-82, 2011
Efficient luminescence in highly tensile-strained germanium
Y Huo, H Lin, Y Rong, M Makarova, M Li, R Chen, TI Kamins, J Vuckovic, ...
2009 6th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, 265-267, 2009
Integration of germanium quantum well structures on a silicon-on-insulator waveguide platform for optical modulator applications
S Ren, Y Rong, TI Kamins, JS Harris, DAB Miller
7th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, 60-62, 2010
Direct band gap tensile-strained germanium
Y Huo, H Lin, Y Rong, M Makarova, TI Kamins, J Vuckovic, JS Harris
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CPDB7, 2009
Vertically coupled wavelength tunable photo-detector/optoelectronic devices and systems
Y Huo, JS Harris Jr, Y Rong, E Fei
US Patent App. 13/687,839, 2013
Low power SiGe electroabsorption modulators for optical interconnects
ET Fei, EH Edwards, Y Huo, X Chen, SA Claussen, X Liu, Y Rong, ...
Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, IM4A. 3, 2012
High speed, low driving voltage vertical cavity germanium-silicon modulators for optical interconnect
Y Rong
Stanford University, 2010
Simple electroabsorption calculator for germanium quantum well devices
RK Schaevitz, EH Edwards, S Ren, DS Ly-Gagnon, RM Audet, Y Rong, ...
8th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics, 139-141, 2011
Quantum-Confined Stark Effect in Ge/SiGe Quantum Wells on Si Substrate for Modulators
X Chen, Y Rong, Y Huo, E Fei, X Liu, TI Kamins, JS Harris
CIOMP-OSA Summer Session: Lasers and Their Applications, Th23, 2011
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Articles 1–20