Calum Strange
Cited by
Cited by
Lithium-ion battery data and where to find it
G Dos Reis, C Strange, M Yadav, S Li
Energy and AI, 100081, 2021
Prediction of future capacity and internal resistance of Li-ion cells from one cycle of input data
C Strange, G Dos Reis
Energy and AI, 100097, 2021
Capacity and Internal Resistance of lithium-ion batteries: Full degradation curve prediction from Voltage response at constant Current at discharge
R Ibraheem, C Strange, G Dos Reis
Journal of Power Sources 556, 232477, 2023
Elbows of internal resistance rise curves in Li-ion cells
C Strange, S Li, R Gilchrist, G Dos Reis
Energies 14 (4), 1206, 2021
High order splitting methods for SDEs satisfying a commutativity condition
J Foster, G Reis, C Strange
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.17543, 2022
Online Lifetime Prediction for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Cycle-by-Cycle Updates, Variance Reduction, and Model Ensembling
C Strange, R Ibraheem, G dos Reis
Energies 16 (7), 3273, 2023
Automatic method for the estimation of li-ion degradation test sample sizes required to understand cell-to-cell variability
C Strange, M Allerhand, P Dechent, G dos Reis
Energy and AI, 100174, 2022
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Articles 1–7