Ku Esyra Hani Ku Ishak
Cited by
Cited by
Predicting the efficiency of the oil removal from surfactant and polymer produced water by using liquid–liquid hydrocyclone: Comparison of prediction abilities between response …
KEHK Ishak, MA Ayoub
IEEE Access 7, 179605-179619, 2019
Removal of oil from polymer-produced water by using flotation process and statistical modelling
KHK Ishak, MA Ayoub
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2019
Revisiting the coefficient of isothermal oil compressibility below bubble point pressure and formulation of a new model using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system technique
MA Ayoub, SN Zainal, ME Elhaj, KEH Ku Ishak, Q Ahmed
International Petroleum Technology Conference, D023S052R003, 2020
Recovery of copper and valuable metals from E-waste via hydrometallurgical method
KEHK Ishak, S Ismail, MIB Abd Razak
Materials Today: Proceedings 66, 3077-3081, 2022
Effect of Quartz in Clay on Grindability of Raw Mixes for Cement Production
KEHK Ishak, SFS Hashim, KA Azizli, SPH Hussin
Journal of Physical Science 32 (2), 45-49, 2022
Friction reducers in hydraulic fracturing fluid systems–A review
KEHK Ishak, JA Khan, E Padmanabhan, NHM Ramalan
AIP Conference Proceedings 2682 (1), 2023
Performance of liquid–liquid hydrocyclone (LLHC) for treating produced water from surfactant flooding produced water
KEH Ku Ishak, M Abdalla Ayoub
World Journal of Engineering 17 (2), 215-222, 2020
Statistical Modelling of Oil Removal from Surfactant/Polymer Flooding Produced Water by Using Flotation Column
KE Hani, MA Ayoub
4th International Conference of Chemical Engineering and Industrial …, 2018
Management and treatment methods of acid mine drainage
NA Saad, NA Jabit, S Ismail, KEHK Ishak, MIKA Aminuddin, MSM Halim, ...
Industrial waste engineering, 441-507, 2024
Modelling and Simulation of Air Classification in Cement Manufacturing
KEH Ku Ishak, SF Saiyid Hashim
Advanced Materials Research 858, 272-282, 2014
Comparison of artificial neural fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and response surface methodology (RSM) model in predicting the outlet flow rate of passive treatment system column
KEH Ku Ishak, OW Jie, KYK Anuar, S Ismail, MS Mohd Halim
Applied Mechanics and Materials 918, 185-193, 2024
A study of different grinding aids for low-energy cement clinker production
SRM Zan, K Ishak
Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 123 (9 …, 2023
An evaluation of ANFIS models for predicting the oil flotation behavior in a stable oil-water emulsion
KEH Ku Ishak, MA Ayoub, MIK Ahmad Aminuddin
Advances in Science and Technology 123, 31-39, 2023
Supercritical Methane Adsorption in Shale: Isothermal Adsorption and Desorption of Eagle Ford Shale Gas
AQ Mohd Aji, B Maulianda, DF Mohshim, KA Elraeis, KEH Ku Ishak
Offshore Technology Conference Asia, D021S005R002, 2022
Iron Removal Efficiency in Synthetic Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Treatment Using Peat Soil
MSM Halim, AH Ibrahim, TNT Izhar, S Ismail, KEHK Ishak, A Moncea
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Green Environmental …, 2022
Statistical Analysis of Dry Grinding of Mica in Planetary Mill
KEHK Ishak, S Saad, SFS Hashim, H Hussin
The Influence of Polymers to the Oil-Water Separation in Liquid-Liquid Hydrocyclone
KEHK Ishak, MA Ayoub
Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development …, 2020
Fractional factorial design of ultrasonic-assisted metal recovery from waste printed circuit board
RM Dikamdima, S Ismail, KEHK Ishak, SFS Hashim
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 26 (2), 923-935, 2024
Application of Anfis in Predicting Oil Removal Efficiency in Liquid-liquid Hydrocyclone (LLHC) From Enhanced Oil Recovery Produced Water
KEH Ku Ishak
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 2020
The oil and water separation from surfactant produced water by using a flotation column
KEHK Ishak, MA Ayoub
Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development …, 2020
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Articles 1–20