XiaoHang (Leo) Fang
XiaoHang (Leo) Fang
Other namesLeo Fang
Assistant Professor, University of Calgary & Visiting Academic, University of Oxford
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Cited by
On the application of artificial neural networks for the prediction of NOx emissions from a high-speed direct injection diesel engine
X Fang, N Papaioannou, F Leach, MH Davy
International Journal of Engine Research, 1468087420929768, 2021
Simulation of ECN Diesel Spray A Using Conditional Source-term Estimation
X Fang, R Ismail, WK Bushe, M Davy
Combustion Theory and Modelling, 1-36, 2020
Pulsating one-dimensional detonation in ammonia-hydrogen–air mixtures
R Zhu, X Fang*, C Xu, M Zhao, H Zhang, M Davy
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022
Development of a laminar burning velocity empirical correlation for combustion of iso-octane/ethanol blends in air
N Sekularac, X Fang*, V Shankar, SJ Baker, FCP Leach, MH Davy
Fuel 307, 121880, 2022
Artificial neural network (ANN) assisted prediction of transient NOx emissions from a high-speed direct injection (HSDI) diesel engine
X Fang, F Zhong, N Papaioannou, MH Davy, FCP Leach
International Journal of Engine Research, 14680874211013254, 2022
A study on kinetic mechanisms of diesel fuel surrogate n-dodecane for the simulation of combustion recession
X Fang, R Ismail, M Davy
SAE International, 2019
Comparison of transient diesel spray break-up between two computational fluid dynamics codes
L Nicholson, X Fang, J Camm, M Davy, D Richardson
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Numerical studies of combustion recession on ECN diesel Spray A
X Fang, R Ismail, MH Davy, J Camm
Internal combustion engine division fall technical conference 51999, V002T06A011, 2018
Using neural network and random forest algorithmic approaches to predicting particulate emissions from a highly boosted GDI engine
N Papaioannou, X Fang, F Leach, A Lewis, S Akehurst, J Turner
SAE Technical Papers, 2021
On the Prediction of Spray A End of Injection Phenomenon Using Conditional Source-Term Estimation
X Fang, R Ismail, N Sekularac, M Davy
SAE Technical Paper, 2020
Flame acceleration and transition to detonation in a pre-/main-chamber combustion system
S Lai, C Xu, M Davy, X Fang
Physics of Fluids 34 (11), 2022
Effect of ethanol addition on the laminar burning velocities of gasoline surrogates
V Shankar, X Fang*, N Hinton, M Davy, FCP Leach
Fuel 327, 125186, 2022
Parametric Studies of a Novel Combustion Modelling Approach for Low Temperature Diesel Spray Simulation
X Fang, N Sekularac, R Ismail, M Davy
Proceedings of ASME 2020 Internal Combustion Fall Technical Conference, 2020
An A Priori Analysis on Principal Component Analysis Based Conditional Source-term Estimation Model for Sandia Jet Flames
N Sekularac, WK Bushe, X Fang
Combustion and Flame 260, 2024
Computational diagnostics for flame acceleration and transition to detonation in a hydrogen/air mixture
S Lai, S Tang, C Xu, N Sekularac, X Fang
Combustion and Flame 258, 2023
Dynamic mode decomposition for the comparison of engine in-cylinder flow fields from particle image velocimetry (PIV) and Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) simulations
S Baker, X Fang, L Shen, C Willman, J Fernandes, F Leach, M Davy
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 111 (1), 115-140, 2023
Extracting vector magnitudes of dominant structures in a cyclic engine flow with dimensionality reduction
B Sam, X Fang, B Alessio, B Sebastiano, M Mauro, F Stefano, F Leach, ...
Physics of Fluids, 2024
Deep learning-based rapid generation of broadly reactive antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 and its Omicron variant
H Lou, J Zheng, X Fang, Z Liang, M Zhang, Y Chen, C Wang, X Cao
Cell Research 33 (1), 80-82, 2023
Manifold reduction techniques for the comparison of crank angle-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV) data and Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations in a spark …
X Fang, L Shen, C Willman, R Magnanon, G Virelli, MH Davy, R Stone
International Journal of Engine Research 23 (8), 1275-1294, 2022
Prediction of NOx Emissions for a Range of Engine Hardware Configurations Using Artificial Neural Network
N Papaioannou, X Fang*, F Leach, M Davy
Proceedings of ASME 2020 Internal Combustion Fall Technical Conference, 2020
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Articles 1–20