Cornelius Eichner
Cornelius Eichner
Siemens Healthineers
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Real diffusion-weighted MRI enabling true signal averaging and increased diffusion contrast
C Eichner, SF Cauley, J Cohen-Adad, HE Möller, R Turner, K Setsompop, ...
NeuroImage 122, 373-384, 2015
RARE/turbo spin echo imaging with simultaneous multislice Wave‐CAIPI
BA Gagoski, B Bilgic, C Eichner, H Bhat, PE Grant, LL Wald, K Setsompop
Magnetic resonance in medicine 73 (3), 929-938, 2015
Toward an in vivo neuroimaging template of human brainstem nuclei of the ascending arousal, autonomic, and motor systems
M Bianciardi, N Toschi, BL Edlow, C Eichner, K Setsompop, JR Polimeni, ...
Brain connectivity 5 (10), 597-607, 2015
In vivo functional connectome of human brainstem nuclei of the ascending arousal, autonomic, and motor systems by high spatial resolution 7-Tesla fMRI
M Bianciardi, N Toschi, C Eichner, JR Polimeni, K Setsompop, EN Brown, ...
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 29, 451-462, 2016
A low power radiofrequency pulse for simultaneous multislice excitation and refocusing
C Eichner, LL Wald, K Setsompop
Magnetic resonance in medicine 72 (4), 949-958, 2014
Slice accelerated gradient‐echo spin‐echo dynamic susceptibility contrast imaging with blipped CAIPI for increased slice coverage
C Eichner, K Jafari‐Khouzani, S Cauley, H Bhat, P Polaskova, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 72 (3), 770-778, 2014
Slice accelerated diffusion‐weighted imaging at ultra‐high field strength
C Eichner, K Setsompop, PJ Koopmans, R Lützkendorf, DG Norris, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 71 (4), 1518-1525, 2014
Mapping the human connectome using diffusion MRI at 300 mT/m gradient strength: Methodological advances and scientific impact
Q Fan, C Eichner, M Afzali, L Mueller, CMW Tax, M Davids, M Mahmutovic, ...
Neuroimage 254, 118958, 2022
Increased sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio in diffusion-weighted MRI using multi-echo acquisitions
C Eichner, M Paquette, T Mildner, T Schlumm, K Pléh, L Samuni, ...
NeuroImage 221, 117172, 2020
Mapping the human lateral geniculate nucleus and its cytoarchitectonic subdivisions using quantitative MRI
C Müller-Axt, C Eichner, H Rusch, L Kauffmann, PL Bazin, A Anwander, ...
Neuroimage 244, 118559, 2021
Morphological evolution of language-relevant brain areas
G Gallardo, C Eichner, CC Sherwood, WD Hopkins, A Anwander, ...
PLoS biology 21 (9), e3002266, 2023
Axon diameter measurements using diffusion MRI are infeasible
M Paquette, C Eichner, TR Knösche, A Anwander
BioRxiv, 2020.10. 01.320507, 2020
Sourcing high tissue quality brains from deceased wild primates with known socio‐ecology
T Gräßle, C Crockford, C Eichner, C Girard‐Buttoz, C Jäger, E Kirilina, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (8), 1906-1924, 2023
The magnitude point spread function is an inadequate measure of T2*-blurring in EPI
L Huber, M Guidi, J Goense, T Mildner, R Trampel, J Schulz, C Eichner, ...
Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2056, 2015
Recommendations and guidelines from the ISMRM Diffusion Study Group for preclinical diffusion MRI: Part 2--Ex vivo imaging
KG Schilling, F Grussu, A Ianus, B Hansen, RLC Barrett, M Aggarwal, ...
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2209.13371, 2022
System and method for simultaneous multislice excitation using combined multiband and periodic slice excitation
C Eichner, LL Wald, K Setsompop
US Patent 10,345,409, 2019
Recommendations and guidelines from the ISMRM Diffusion Study Group for preclinical diffusion MRI: Part 1--In vivo small-animal imaging
IO Jelescu, F Grussu, A Ianus, B Hansen, RLC Barrett, M Aggarwal, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.12994, 2022
Detailed mapping of the complex fiber structure and white matter pathways of the chimpanzee brain
C Eichner, M Paquette, C Müller-Axt, C Bock, E Budinger, T Gräßle, ...
Nature Methods 21 (6), 1122-1130, 2024
The impact of gradient non-linearity on Maxwell compensation when using asymmetric gradient waveforms for tensor-valued diffusion encoding
F Szczepankiewicz, C Eichner, A Anwander, CF Westin, M Paquette
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med 28, 3391, 2020
Gradient non-linearity correction for spherical mean diffusion imaging
M Paquette, C Eichner, A Anwander
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Articles 1–20