Dr.Nalliyanna Goundar Veerappan Kousik
Dr.Nalliyanna Goundar Veerappan Kousik
Arden University, United Kingdom
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Cited by
Improved salient object detection using hybrid Convolution Recurrent Neural Network
NV Kousik, Y Natarajan, RA Raja, S Kallam, R Patan, AH Gandomi
Expert Systems with Applications 166, 114064, 2021
Analysis on the prediction of central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) using deep neural network classification
N Yuvaraj, RA Raja, NV Kousik, P Johri, MJ Diván
Computational intelligence and its applications in healthcare, 229-244, 2020
Analyses on artificial intelligence framework to detect crime pattern
RA Raja, N Yuvaraj, NV Kousik
Intelligent Data Analytics for Terror Threat Prediction: Architectures …, 2021
Improving power and resource management in heterogeneous downlink OFDMA networks
NG Veerappan Kousik, Y Natarajan, K Suresh, R Patan, AH Gandomi
Information 11 (4), 203, 2020
A survey on various load balancing algorithm to improve the task scheduling in cloud computing environment
N Yuvaraj, NV Kousik, S Jayasri, A Daniel, P Rajakumar
J Adv Res Dyn Control Syst 11 (08), 2397-2406, 2019
Automatic skull-face overlay and mandible articulation in data science by AIRS-Genetic algorithm
N Yuvaraj, NV Kousik, RA Raja, M Saravanan
International Journal of Intelligent Networks 1, 9-16, 2020
Improved energy efficient wireless sensor networks using multicast particle swarm optimization
Y Natarajan, RA Raja, DNV Kousik, P Johri
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference: Innovative Advancement in …, 2020
A review of various reversible embedding mechanisms
Y Natarajan, RA Raja, NV Kousik, M Saravanan
International Journal of Intelligence and Sustainable Computing 1 (3), 233-266, 2021
Improved privacy preservation framework for cloud-based internet of things
N Yuvaraj, RA Raja, T Karthikeyan, NV Kousik
Internet of things, 165-174, 2020
QoS design using Mmwave backhaul solution for utilising underutilised 5G bandwidth in GHz transmission
M Kandasamy, N Yuvaraj, RA Raja, NV Kousik, MR Tf, AS Kumar
2023 Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart …, 2023
Data fusion using Tabu crossover genetic algorithm in information retrieval
M Sivaram, K Batri, AS Mohammed, V Porkodi, NV Kousik
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 39 (4), 5407-5416, 2020
A vedic mathematics based processor core for discrete wavelet transform using FinFET and CNTFET technology for biomedical signal processing
VM Senthilkumar, S Ravindrakumar, D Nithya, NV Kousik
Microprocessors and Microsystems 71, 102875, 2019
Improved density-based learning to cluster for user web log in data mining
NV Kousik, M Sivaram, N Yuvaraj, R Mahaveerakannan
Inventive Computation and Information Technologies: Proceedings of ICICIT …, 2021
EDM Process by Using Copper Electrode with INCONEL 625 Material
N Yuvaraj, RA Raja, P Palanivel, NV Kousik
Materials Science and Engineering 811 (IOP Conference Series), 881-885, 2020
Privacy preservation between privacy and utility using ECC-based PSO algorithm
N Yuvaraj, R Arshath Raja, NV Kousik
Intelligent Computing and Applications: Proceedings of ICICA 2019, 567-573, 2021
Predicting Energy Demands Constructed on Ensemble of Classifiers
A Daniel, B Bharathi Kannan, N Yuvaraj, NV Kousik
Intelligent Computing and Applications: Proceedings of ICICA 2019, 575-583, 2021
D-PPSOK clustering algorithm with data sampling for clustering big data analysis
CSG Dhas, N Yuvaraj, NV Kousik, TD Geleto
System Assurances, 503-512, 2022
Analysis of Hybrid Deep Neural Networks with Mobile Agents for Traffic Management in Vehicular Adhoc Networks
G Kiruthiga, GU Devi, N Yuvaraj, RA Raja, NV Kousik
Distributed Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 16 (1), 14, 2020
Lossless Video Compression Using Reinforcement Learning in UAV Applications
AS Kumar, JVML Jeyan, NT Jyothi, S Annamalai, NV Kousik
2023 International Conference on Data Science and Network Security (ICDSNS), 1-6, 2023
Improving data communication of wireless sensor network using energy efficient adaptive cluster-head selection algorithm for secure routing
S Vijayalakshmi, G Kavithaa, NV Kousik
Wireless Personal Communications 128 (1), 25-42, 2023
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Articles 1–20