Andrew Ryzhkov (Andrei Ryjkov)
Andrew Ryzhkov (Andrei Ryjkov)
Environment and Climate Change Canada
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Cited by
Mercury Physicochemical and Biogeochemical Transformation in the Atmosphere and at Atmospheric Interfaces: A Review and Future Directions
KT Parisa A. Ariya, Marc Amyot, Ashu Dastoor, Daniel Deeds, Aryeh Feinberg ...
Chemical Reviews 115 (10), 3760–3802, 2002
The Arctic: a sink for mercury
PA Ariya, AP Dastroor, M Amyot, WH Schroeder, L Barrie, K Anlauf, ...
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 56 (5), 397-403, 2004
Vegetation uptake of mercury and impacts on global cycling
J Zhou, D Obrist, A Dastoor, M Jiskra, A Ryjkov
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 2 (4), 269-284, 2021
Long range transport of mercury to the Arctic and across Canada
D Durnford, A Dastoor, D Figueras-Nieto, A Ryjkov
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (13), 6063-6086, 2010
A theoretical study of the reactions of parent and substituted Criegee intermediates with water and the water dimer
AB Ryzhkov, PA Ariya
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 6 (21), 5042-5050, 2004
Arctic mercury cycling
A Dastoor, H Angot, J Bieser, JH Christensen, TA Douglas, ...
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 3 (4), 270-286, 2022
Multi-model study of mercury dispersion in the atmosphere: atmospheric processes and model evaluation
O Travnikov, H Angot, P Artaxo, M Bencardino, J Bieser, F d'Amore, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (8), 5271-5295, 2017
The importance of water clusters (H2O) n (n= 2,…, 4) in the reaction of Criegee intermediate with water in the atmosphere
AB Ryzhkov, PA Ariya
Chemical physics letters 419 (4-6), 479-485, 2006
Atmospheric mercury in the Canadian Arctic. Part II: Insight from modeling
A Dastoor, A Ryzhkov, D Durnford, I Lehnherr, A Steffen, H Morrison
Science of the Total Environment 509, 16-27, 2015
Chemical cycling and deposition of atmospheric mercury in polar regions: review of recent measurements and comparison with models
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (16), 10735-10763, 2016
A theoretical study of the reactions of carbonyl oxide with water in atmosphere: the role of water dimer
AB Ryzhkov, PA Ariya
Chemical physics letters 367 (3-4), 423-429, 2003
Evaluation of discrepancy between measured and modelled oxidized mercury species
G Kos, A Ryzhkov, A Dastoor, J Narayan, A Steffen, PA Ariya, L Zhang
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (9), 4839-4863, 2013
Assessment of modeled mercury dry deposition over the Great Lakes region
L Zhang, P Blanchard, D Johnson, A Dastoor, A Ryzhkov, CJ Lin, ...
Environmental Pollution 161, 272-283, 2012
How relevant is the deposition of mercury onto snowpacks?–Part 2: A modeling study
D Durnford, A Dastoor, A Ryzhkov, L Poissant, M Pilote, D Figueras-Nieto
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (19), 9251-9274, 2012
Arctic atmospheric mercury: Sources and changes
A Dastoor, SJ Wilson, O Travnikov, A Ryjkov, H Angot, JH Christensen, ...
Science of The Total Environment 839, 156213, 2022
Spatial variation of mercury bioaccumulation in bats of Canada linked to atmospheric mercury deposition
J Chételat, MBC Hickey, AJ Poulain, A Dastoor, A Ryjkov, D McAlpine, ...
Science of the Total Environment 626, 668-677, 2018
How important is biomass burning in Canada to mercury contamination?
A Fraser, A Dastoor, A Ryjkov
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (10), 7263-7286, 2018
Multi-model study of mercury dispersion in the atmosphere: vertical and interhemispheric distribution of mercury species
J Bieser, F Slemr, J Ambrose, C Brenninkmeijer, S Brooks, A Dastoor, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (11), 6925-6955, 2017
Air–snowpack exchange of bromine, ozone and mercury in the springtime Arctic simulated by the 1-D model PHANTAS–Part 2: Mercury and its speciation
K Toyota, AP Dastoor, A Ryzhkov
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (8), 4135-4167, 2014
Total mercury and methylmercury in lake water of Canada’s oil sands region
CA Emmerton, CA Cooke, GR Wentworth, JA Graydon, A Ryjkov, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (19), 10946-10955, 2018
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Articles 1–20