Dr. Esmaeal Ghavanloo
Dr. Esmaeal Ghavanloo
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Vibration analysis of viscoelastic orthotropic nanoplates resting on viscoelastic medium
S Pouresmaeeli, E Ghavanloo, SA Fazelzadeh
Composite structures 96, 405-410, 2013
Nonlocal continuum-based modeling of mechanical characteristics of nanoscopic structures
H Rafii-Tabar, E Ghavanloo, SA Fazelzadeh
Physics Reports 638, 1-97, 2016
Vibration and instability analysis of carbon nanotubes conveying fluid and resting on a linear viscoelastic Winkler foundation
E Ghavanloo, F Daneshmand, M Rafiei
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 42 (9), 2218-2224, 2010
Exact solution for nonlocal vibration of double-orthotropic nanoplates embedded in elastic medium
S Pouresmaeeli, SA Fazelzadeh, E Ghavanloo
Composites Part B: Engineering 43 (8), 3384-3390, 2012
Review on nonlocal continuum mechanics: physics, material applicability, and mathematics
M Shaat, E Ghavanloo, SA Fazelzadeh
Mechanics of Materials 150, 103587, 2020
Flow-thermoelastic vibration and instability analysis of viscoelastic carbon nanotubes embedded in viscous fluid
E Ghavanloo, SA Fazelzadeh
Physica E: low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 44 (1), 17-24, 2011
Nonlocal anisotropic elastic shell model for vibrations of single-walled carbon nanotubes with arbitrary chirality
SA Fazelzadeh, E Ghavanloo
Composite Structures 94 (3), 1016-1022, 2012
Vibration characteristics of single-walled carbon nanotubes based on an anisotropic elastic shell model including chirality effect
E Ghavanloo, SA Fazelzadeh
Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (10), 4988-5000, 2012
Nonlocal inflected nano-beams: A stress-driven approach of bi-Helmholtz type
R Barretta, SA Fazelzadeh, L Feo, E Ghavanloo, R Luciano
Composite Structures 200, 239-245, 2018
Free vibration analysis of orthotropic doubly-curved shallow shells based on the gradient elasticity
E Ghavanloo, SA Fazelzadeh
Composites Part B: Engineering 45 (1), 1448-1457, 2013
Nonlocal elasticity theory for radial vibration of nanoscale spherical shells
E Ghavanloo, SA Fazelzadeh
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 41, 37-42, 2013
Aeroelastic characteristics of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite plates under a supersonic flow
SA Fazelzadeh, S Pouresmaeeli, E Ghavanloo
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 285, 714-729, 2015
Non-conservative instability of cantilever carbon nanotubes resting on viscoelastic foundation
MA Kazemi-Lari, SA Fazelzadeh, E Ghavanloo
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 44 (7-8), 1623-1630, 2012
In-plane vibration analysis of curved carbon nanotubes conveying fluid embedded in viscoelastic medium
E Ghavanloo, M Rafiei, F Daneshmand
Physics Letters A 375 (19), 1994-1999, 2011
Thermoelastic vibration of doubly-curved nano-composite shells reinforced by graphene nanoplatelets
SA Fazelzadeh, S Rahmani, E Ghavanloo, P Marzocca
Journal of Thermal Stresses 42 (1), 1-17, 2019
Uncertainty propagation in vibrational characteristics of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite shell panels
S Pouresmaeeli, SA Fazelzadeh, E Ghavanloo, P Marzocca
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 149, 549-558, 2018
Transient response of a submerged cylindrical foam core sandwich panel subjected to shock loading
B Panahi, E Ghavanloo, F Daneshmand
Materials & Design 32 (5), 2611-2620, 2011
Nonlocal shell model for predicting axisymmetric vibration of spherical shell-like nanostructures
E Ghavanloo, SA Fazelzadeh
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 22 (7), 597-603, 2015
Nanoscale mass sensing based on vibration of single-layered graphene sheet in thermal environments
SA Fazelzadeh, E Ghavanloo
Acta Mechanica Sinica 30, 84-91, 2014
Large deflection of viscoelastic beams using fractional derivative model
SMS Bahraini, M Eghtesad, M Farid, E Ghavanloo
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 27, 1063-1070, 2013
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Articles 1–20