Austin H Johnson
Cited by
Cited by
Toward a blueprint for trauma-informed service delivery in schools
SM Chafouleas, AH Johnson, S Overstreet, NM Santos
School Mental Health 8, 144-162, 2016
Is performance feedback for educators an evidence-based practice? A systematic review and evaluation based on single-case research
LM Fallon, MA Collier-Meek, DM Maggin, LMH Sanetti, AH Johnson
Exceptional Children 81 (2), 227-246, 2015
A systematic evaluation of token economies as a classroom management tool for students with challenging behavior
DM Maggin, SM Chafouleas, KM Goddard, AH Johnson
Journal of school psychology 49 (5), 529-554, 2011
A systematic evidence review of school-based group contingency interventions for students with challenging behavior
DM Maggin, AH Johnson, SM Chafouleas, LM Ruberto, M Berggren
Journal of School Psychology, 2012
A quantitative synthesis of methodology in the meta-analysis of single-subject research for students with disabilities: 1985–2009
DM Maggin, BV O'Keeffe, AH Johnson
Exceptionality 19 (2), 109-135, 2011
A meta-analysis of school-based group contingency interventions for students with challenging behavior: An update
DM Maggin, JE Pustejovsky, AH Johnson
Remedial and Special Education 38 (6), 353-370, 2017
A systematic evaluation of restorative justice practices: School violence prevention and response
B Katic, LA Alba, AH Johnson
Journal of school violence 19 (4), 579-593, 2020
Single-case design standards: An update and proposed upgrades
TR Kratochwill, RH Horner, JR Levin, W Machalicek, J Ferron, A Johnson
Journal of School Psychology 89, 91-105, 2021
A meta-analysis of class-wide interventions for supporting student behavior
RK Chaffee, AM Briesch, AH Johnson, RJ Volpe
School Psychology Review 46 (2), 149-164, 2017
Constructing self‐modeling videos: Procedures and technology
MA Collier‐Meek, LM Fallon, AH Johnson, LMH Sanetti, MA Delcampo
Psychology in the Schools 49 (1), 3-14, 2012
Identifying critical components of classroom management implementation
MA Collier-Meek, AH Johnson, LH Sanetti, T Minami
School Psychology Review 48 (4), 348-361, 2019
A meta-analytic evaluation of the FRIENDS program for preventing anxiety in student populations
DM Maggin, AH Johnson
Education and Treatment of Children, 277-306, 2014
Preregistration in single-case design research
AH Johnson, BG Cook
Exceptional Children 86 (1), 95-112, 2019
Functional assessment–based interventions for students with or at-risk for high-incidence disabilities: Field testing single-case synthesis methods
EA Common, KL Lane, JE Pustejovsky, AH Johnson, LE Johl
Remedial and Special Education 38 (6), 331-352, 2017
A call to action for school psychology to address COVID-19 health disparities and advance social justice.
AL Sullivan, B Harris, FG Miller, LM Fallon, MR Weeks, CM Malone, ...
School Psychology 36 (5), 410, 2021
Single-case intervention research design standards: Additional proposed upgrades and future directions
TR Kratochwill, RH Horner, JR Levin, W Machalicek, J Ferron, A Johnson
Journal of school psychology 97, 192-216, 2023
Effects of a class-wide positive peer reporting intervention on middle school student behavior
RK Chaffee, AM Briesch, RJ Volpe, AH Johnson, L Dudley
Behavioral Disorders 45 (4), 224-237, 2020
Generalizability of universal screening measures for behavioral and emotional risk
N Tanner, K Eklund, SP Kilgus, AH Johnson
School psychology review 47 (1), 3-17, 2018
Methods matter: A multi-trait multi-method analysis of student behavior
FG Miller, AH Johnson, H Yu, SM Chafouleas, DB McCoach, ...
Journal of school psychology 68, 53-72, 2018
Trends and practices in functional behavior assessments completed by school psychologists
AH Johnson, TS Goldberg, RL Hinant, LK Couch
Psychology in the Schools 56 (3), 360-377, 2019
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Articles 1–20