Adam Douglas Henry
Adam Douglas Henry
University of Arizona, School of Government and Public Policy
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Cited by
A quarter century of the advocacy coalition framework: An introduction to the special issue.
CM Weible, PA Sabatier, HC Jenkins-Smith, D Nohrstedt, AD Henry, ...
Policy Studies Journal 39 (3), 2011
Ideology, power, and the structure of policy networks
AD Henry
Policy Studies Journal 39 (3), 361-383, 2011
Belief systems and social capital as drivers of policy network structure: The case of California regional planning
AD Henry, M Lubell, M McCoy
Journal of public administration research and theory 21 (3), 419-444, 2011
Collaborative institutions in an ecology of games
M Lubell, AD Henry, M McCoy
American Journal of Political Science 54 (2), 287-300, 2010
Political homophily and collaboration in regional planning networks
ER Gerber, AD Henry, M Lubell
American Journal of Political Science 57 (3), 598-610, 2013
Agent-based modelling of consumer energy choices
V Rai, AD Henry
Nature Climate Change 6 (6), 556-562, 2016
Sharpening advocacy coalitions
CM Weible, K Ingold, D Nohrstedt, AD Henry, HC Jenkins‐Smith
Policy studies journal 48 (4), 1054-1081, 2020
Networks and the challenge of sustainable development
AD Henry, B Vollan
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 39 (1), 583-610, 2014
Emergence of segregation in evolving social networks
AD Henry, P Prałat, CQ Zhang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (21), 8605-8610, 2011
The challenge of learning for sustainability: A prolegomenon to theory
AD Henry
Human Ecology Review, 131-140, 2009
Policy change in comparative contexts: Applying the advocacy coalition framework outside of Western Europe and North America
AD Henry, K Ingold, D Nohrstedt, CM Weible
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 16 (4), 299-312, 2014
Information, networks, and the complexity of trust in commons governance
AD Henry, T Dietz
International Journal of the Commons 5 (2), 188-212, 2011
Understanding environmental cognition
AD Henry, T Dietz
Organization & Environment 25 (3), 238-258, 2012
Public perceptions of global warming
AD Henry
Human Ecology Review, 25-30, 2000
Survey‐Based Measurement of Public Management and Policy Networks
AD Henry, M Lubell, M McCoy
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 31 (2), 432-452, 2012
Ecological disequilibrium drives insect pest and pathogen accumulation in non-native trees
CJ Crous, TI Burgess, JJ Le Roux, DM Richardson, B Slippers, ...
AoB Plants 9 (1), plw081, 2017
Context and the commons
T Dietz, AD Henry
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (36), 13189-13190, 2008
Advocacy coalition framework: Advice on applications and methods
AD Henry, K Ingold, D Nohrstedt, CM Weible
Methods of the policy process, 105-136, 2022
Influence of policy discourse networks on local energy transitions
H Brugger, AD Henry
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 39, 141-154, 2021
Belief-oriented segregation in policy networks
AD Henry
Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 22, 14-25, 2011
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Articles 1–20