GRARA Nedjoud
GRARA Nedjoud
Professeur : Biologie,Université 8 Mai 1945 Guelma, BP 401, Guelma 24000, Algérie
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Cited by
Honey bee as alternative medicine to treat eleven multidrug-resistant bacteria causing urinary tract infection during pregnancy
M Bouacha, H Ayed, N Grara
Scientia pharmaceutica 86 (2), 14, 2018
Effects of heavy metals on the snails Helix aspersa bioindicators of the environment pollution for human health
N Grara, A Atailia, M Boucenna, F Khaldi, H Berrebbah, MR Djebar
Chapters, 2012
Algerian Sonchus oleraceus L.: a comparison of different extraction solvent on phytochemical composition, antioxidant properties and anti-cholinesterase activity
F Aissani, N Grara, C Bensouici, A Bousbia, H Ayed, MHM Idris, LK Teh
Advances in Traditional Medicine, 1-12, 2022
Effects of cadmium on water content, soluble protein, proline changes and some antioxidant enzymes in wheat (Triticum durum desf.) leaves
A Alayat, L Souiki, N Grara, MR Djebar, ZE Boumedris, S Benosmane, ...
Annual Research & review in biology 4 (24), 3835-3847, 2014
Physiology and biochemistry effects of herbicides sekator and zoom on two varieties of wheat (Waha and HD) in semi-arid region
S Hana, MA Leila, G Nedjoud, D Reda
Annual Research & Review in Biology 5 (5), 449-459, 2014
Potential toxicity of an insecticide of the family of carbamates on a bio-indicator model of the pollution the earthworm Octodrilus complanatus (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae)
Z Ibtissem, T Aicha, G Nedjoud, B Nawel, B Houria, DM Reda
Annals of Biological Research 3 (11), 5367-5373, 2012
Evaluation of the biomarkers of the oxidative stress induced by a biopesticide: The Spinosad on an alternate model: Helix aspersa
B Nawel, DM Reda, M Leila, G Nedjoud, Z Ibtissem, B Houria
Journal of Applied Science and Research 8 (8), 4199-4206, 2012
Phytoremediation using Phragmites australis roots of polluted water with metallic trace elements (MTE)
M Kleche, H Berrebbah, N Grara, S Bensoltane, M Djekoun, MR Djebar
Annals of Biological Research 4 (3), 130-133, 2013
Survey of the physico-chemical and parasitological quality of the wastewaters used in irrigation (Souk Ahras, North-East of Algeria)
N Mamine, F Khaldi, N Grara
Iranica Journal of Energy & Environment 11 (1), 78-88, 2020
Toxicity of metal dust from Annaba steel complex (Eastern Algeria) on the morpho physiological parameters of the snail Helix aspersa
N Grara, A Atailia, M Boucenna, H Berrebbah, MR Djebar
Advances in Environmental Biology, 605-612, 2012
Impact of pollution by industrial metallic dust on bio-accumulator organism Helix aspersa
G Nedjoud, B Houria, R Rachid, A Amira, D Reda
Global Vet 3, 276-280, 2009
Cypermethrin-induces oxidative stress to the freshwater Ciliate model: Paramecium tetraurelia
R Amamra, MR Djebar, N Grara, O Moumeni, H Otmani, A Alayat, ...
Annual Research & Review in Biology 5 (5), 385-399, 2014
Caractérisation Morphophysiologique de la Toxicité du ZnO (Nanoparticule manufacturée) sur l’escargot l’Helix aspersa bio indicateur de pollution de l'environnement
G Nedjoud, B Manel, K Fadila, Z Zineb, A Selma
J. Mater. Environ. Sci 6, 2015
Stress oxydatif des poussières métalliques du complexe sidérurgique d'Annaba (Nord-Est algérien) chez l'escargot Helix aspersa
Environnement risques & santé 11 (3), 221-229, 2012
Biomarkers responses of Land Snails Helix aspersa exposed to chronic metal pollution under field and laboratory conditions
A Atailia, H Berrebbah, M Boucenna, A Alayat, R Amamra, N Grara, ...
Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 15 (4), 1209, 2016
Effects of metal dust on functional markers and histology of gland digestive and kidney of the land snails (Helix aspersa) in the North east of Algeria.
M Boucenna, H Berrebbah, A Atailia, N Grara, MR Djebar
Chemical route manufactured ZnO nanoparticles and their biological accumulation
M Bouloudenine, H Laala-Bouali, K Djeddou, M Bououdina, N Grara
Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 32 (6), 1966-1974, 2022
Assessment of heavy metal soil contamination in some northeastern algerian biotopes by using the terrestrial snail, Helix aspersa
Z Guessasma, F Khaldi, N Grara, M Agouni, N Sleimi, M Benslama
Studia Universitatis" Vasile Goldis" Arad. Seria Stiintele Vietii (Life …, 2020
Biochemical and enzymatic characterization of macrophyte plant Phragmites australis affected by zinc oxide
F Khaldi, K Menaiaia, N Ouartane, N Grara
Scientific Study & Research. Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology …, 2019
Phytochemical screening and toxicity investigation of hydro-methanolic and aqueous extracts from aerial parts of Sonchus oleraceus L. in Swiss albino mice
F Aissani, N Grara, R Guelmamene
Comparative Clinical Pathology 31 (3), 509-528, 2022
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Articles 1–20