Jackeline Murillo-Hoyos
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Cited by
Estimation of routine maintenance expenditures for highway pavement segments: accounting for heterogeneity using random-effects models
M Volovski, J Murillo-Hoyos, TU Saeed, S Labi
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 143 (5), 04017006, 2017
Estimating annual maintenance expenditures for infrastructure: Artificial neural network approach
W Woldemariam, J Murillo-Hoyos, S Labi
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 22 (2), 04015025, 2016
Performance evaluation and life prediction of highway concrete bridge superstructure across design types
TU Saeed, M Moomen, A Ahmed, J Murillo-Hoyos, M Volovski, S Labi
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 31 (5), 04017052, 2017
Pavement repair marginal costs: Accounting for heterogeneity using random-parameters regression
A Ahmed, TU Saeed, J Murillo-Hoyos, S Labi
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 23 (4), 04017012, 2017
Can interdependency considerations enhance forecasts of bridge infrastructure condition? Evidence using a multivariate regression approach
SM Lavrenz, TU Saeed, J Murillo-Hoyos, M Volovski, S Labi
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 16 (8), 1177-1185, 2020
Methodology for safety improvement programming using constrained network-level optimization
J Murillo-Hoyos, N Athigakunagorn, S Labi
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 50, 106-116, 2015
Rolling stock purchase cost for rail and road public transportation: random-parameter modelling and marginal effect analysis
J Murillo-Hoyos, M Volovski, S Labi
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 12 (5), 436-457, 2016
Service life and condition rating prediction of steel bridges
S Lavrenz, J Murillo-Hoyos, MJ Volovski, TU Saeed, S Labi
Proc., 8th Int. Symp. on Steel Bridges: Innovation & New Challenges, 667-674, 2015
Decision strategies for evaluating pedestrian accessibility
R Botero Ibarra, J Murillo Hoyos, C Jaramillo Molina
Dyna 78 (168), 28-35, 2011
Mortalidad por lesiones de tránsito y desigualdades sociales en Colombia, 2019
J Murillo-Hoyos, LM García-Moreno, N Tinjacá, C Jaramillo
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 47, e121, 2023
Comparative analysis of the performance, environmental impact, and costs of electric, combustion, and gas buses in an operating context of a mid-sized city of an emerging country
F Dulce, J Murillo-Hoyos, E Caicedo
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 25, 101113, 2024
Constructs for quantifying the long-term effectiveness of civil infrastructure interventions
S Lavrenz, J Murillo-Hoyos, S Labi
Maintenance and Safety of Aging Infrastructure: Structures and …, 2014
Accesibilidad y equidad espacial al transporte público para pacientes con enfermedad neurodegenerativa en Santiago de Cali, Colombia
CAW Astudillo, CJ Molina, JM Hoyos
Investigaciones Geográficas (España), 179-193, 2021
La Accesibilidad Vial Regional, Metodologías para su evaluación
J Murillo, C Molina, M García
Universidad del Valle. Facultad de Ingeniería, 2007
Methodology for the comparative evaluation of vehicle technologies in intermediate cities considering electric vehicles
N España, J Murillo-Hoyos, E Caicedo
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 24, 101068, 2024
Social inequality in popular neighborhoods: A pre-and post-pandemic perspective from joint accessibility
J Gallego Méndez, LM García-Moreno, J Murillo-Hoyos, ...
Sustainability 15 (13), 10587, 2023
A Methodology to Determine Non-Fixed Performance Based Thresholds for Infrastructure Rehabilitation Scheduling
JMH Murillo Hoyos
Using Regional Freight Traffic Assignment Modeling to Quantify the Variability of Pavement Damage for Highway Cost Allocation and Revenue Analysis
J Murillo-Hoyos, A Ahmed, S Labi
NEXTRANS Center (US), 2014
Spatial and cost model of individual public transport in a midsize Colombian city
N España, J Murillo, E Caicedo
2022 IEEE ANDESCON, 1-6, 2022
Instant deliveries: A Latin America overview
LK Oliveira, J Castillo, M Chong, J Murillo
Production and Operations Management: POMS Lima, Peru, December 2-4, 2021 …, 2022
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Articles 1–20