Articles with public access mandates - Carlo GhezziLearn more
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Supporting self-adaptation via quantitative verification and sensitivity analysis at run time
A Filieri, G Tamburrelli, C Ghezzi
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 42 (1), 75-99, 2015
Mandates: European Commission
Synthesis of Infinite-State Abstractions and Their Use for Software Validation
C Ghezzi, A Mocci, M Sangiorgio
Specification, Algebra, and Software: Essays Dedicated to Kokichi Futatsugi …, 2014
Mandates: European Commission
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Specification patterns for robotic missions
C Menghi, C Tsigkanos, P Pelliccione, C Ghezzi, T Berger
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 47 (10), 2208-2224, 2019
Mandates: European Commission
Formal verification with confidence intervals to establish quality of service properties of software systems
R Calinescu, C Ghezzi, K Johnson, M Pezzé, Y Rafiq, G Tamburrelli
IEEE transactions on reliability 65 (1), 107-125, 2015
Mandates: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
On the interplay between cyber and physical spaces for adaptive security
C Tsigkanos, L Pasquale, C Ghezzi, B Nuseibeh
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 15 (3), 466-480, 2016
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland
Enhancing reuse of constraint solutions to improve symbolic execution
X Jia, C Ghezzi, S Ying
Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Software Testing and …, 2015
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Modeling and verification of evolving cyber-physical spaces
C Tsigkanos, T Kehrer, C Ghezzi
Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software …, 2017
Mandates: European Commission
Specification patterns from research to industry: a case study in service-based applications
D Bianculli, C Ghezzi, C Pautasso, P Senti
2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 968-976, 2012
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation
Towards the formalization of properties of cloud-based elastic systems
MM Bersani, D Bianculli, S Dustdar, A Gambi, C Ghezzi, S Krstić
proceedings of the 6th international workshop on principles of engineering …, 2014
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation, Austrian Science Fund
Architecting dynamic cyber-physical spaces
C Tsigkanos, T Kehrer, C Ghezzi
Computing 98, 1011-1040, 2016
Mandates: European Commission
Topology aware adaptive security
L Pasquale, C Ghezzi, C Menghi, C Tsigkanos, B Nuseibeh
Proceedings of the 9th international symposium on software engineering for …, 2014
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland
Modelling and analysing resilient cyber-physical systems
A Bennaceur, C Ghezzi, K Tei, T Kehrer, D Weyns, R Calinescu, ...
2019 IEEE/ACM 14th International Symposium on Software Engineering for …, 2019
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research …
The tale of SOLOIST: a specification language for service compositions interactions
D Bianculli, C Ghezzi, P San Pietro
Formal Aspects of Component Software: 9th International Symposium, FACS 2012 …, 2013
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation
Engineering topology aware adaptive security: Preventing requirements violations at runtime
C Tsigkanos, L Pasquale, C Menghi, C Ghezzi, B Nuseibeh
2014 IEEE 22nd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 203-212, 2014
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland
Ariadne: Topology aware adaptive security for cyber-physical systems
C Tsigkanos, L Pasquale, C Ghezzi, B Nuseibeh
2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering 2 …, 2015
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland
Early validation of cyber–physical space systems via multi-concerns integration
N Li, C Tsigkanos, Z Jin, Z Hu, C Ghezzi
Journal of Systems and Software 170, 110742, 2020
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Efficient dynamic updates of distributed components through version consistency
L Baresi, C Ghezzi, X Ma, VP La Manna
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 43 (4), 340-358, 2016
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
From model checking to a temporal proof for partial models
A Bernasconi, C Menghi, P Spoletini, LD Zuck, C Ghezzi
Software Engineering and Formal Methods: 15th International Conference, SEFM …, 2017
Mandates: European Commission
Adding static and dynamic semantics to building information models
C Tsigkanos, T Kehrer, C Ghezzi, L Pasquale, B Nuseibeh
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for …, 2016
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland, European Commission
Engineering future internet applications: The prime approach
M Caporuscio, C Ghezzi
Journal of Systems and Software 106, 9-27, 2015
Mandates: European Commission
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