Reporting structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis results: A review JB Schreiber, A Nora, FK Stage, EA Barlow, J King The Journal of educational research 99 (6), 323-338, 2006 | 9606 | 2006 |
Family and high school experience influences on the postsecondary educational plans of ninth-grade students D Hossler, FK Stage American educational research journal 29 (2), 425-451, 1992 | 953 | 1992 |
Path analysis: An introduction and analysis of a decade of research FK Stage, HC Carter, A Nora The journal of educational research 98 (1), 5-13, 2004 | 639 | 2004 |
Differences in family influences on college attendance plans for male and female ninth graders FK Stage, D Hossler Research in Higher Education 30, 301-315, 1989 | 623 | 1989 |
Influences on the choice of math/science major by gender and ethnicity SA Maple, FK Stage American Educational Research Journal 28 (1), 37-60, 1991 | 544 | 1991 |
Measuring beliefs about mathematical problem solving FK Stage, P Kloosterman School science and mathematics 92 (3), 109-115, 1992 | 521 | 1992 |
Women and minority faculty job satisfaction: Professional role interests, professional satisfactions, and institutional fit D Olsen, SA Maple, FK Stage The Journal of higher education 66 (3), 267-293, 1995 | 491 | 1995 |
The use and interpretation of logistic regression in higher education journals: 1988–1999 CYJ Peng, TSH So, FK Stage, EP St. John Research in higher education 43, 259-293, 2002 | 466 | 2002 |
Creating Learning Centered Classrooms. What Does Learning Theory Have To Say? ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, Volume 26, No. 4. FK Stage, P Muller, J Kinzie, A Simmons ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education, One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 630 …, 1998 | 445 | 1998 |
Motivation, academic and social integration, and the early dropout FK Stage American educational research journal 26 (3), 385-402, 1989 | 444 | 1989 |
Answering critical questions using quantitative data FK Stage New directions for institutional research 133 (133), 5-16, 2007 | 336 | 2007 |
Research in the college context FK Stage, K Manning New York: Brunner, 2003 | 336 | 2003 |
Where is the student FK Stage, D Hossler Linking student behaviors, 2000 | 302 | 2000 |
Academic engagement and student success: Do high-impact practices mean higher graduation rates? SR Johnson, FK Stage The Journal of Higher Education 89 (5), 753-781, 2018 | 300 | 2018 |
College predisposition at high-minority enrollment, low-income schools FA Hamrick, FK Stage The Review of Higher Education 27 (2), 151-168, 2004 | 249 | 2004 |
Gender, beliefs, and achievement in remedial college-level mathematics FK Stage, P Kloosterman The Journal of Higher Education 66 (3), 294-311, 1995 | 239 | 1995 |
Reciprocal effects between the academic and social integration of college students FK Stage Research in Higher Education 30, 517-530, 1989 | 234 | 1989 |
Critical quantitative inquiry in context FK Stage, RS Wells New directions for institutional Research 2013 (158), 1-7, 2014 | 204 | 2014 |
University attrition: LISREL with logistic regression for the persistence criterion FK Stage Research in Higher Education 29, 343-357, 1988 | 192 | 1988 |
Preservice multicultural teacher education: Predictors of student readiness C Bennett, T Niggle, F Stage Teaching and teacher education 6 (3), 243-254, 1990 | 190 | 1990 |