Frances K Stage
Frances K Stage
Professor of Higher Education, New York University
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Reporting structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis results: A review
JB Schreiber, A Nora, FK Stage, EA Barlow, J King
The Journal of educational research 99 (6), 323-338, 2006
Family and high school experience influences on the postsecondary educational plans of ninth-grade students
D Hossler, FK Stage
American educational research journal 29 (2), 425-451, 1992
Path analysis: An introduction and analysis of a decade of research
FK Stage, HC Carter, A Nora
The journal of educational research 98 (1), 5-13, 2004
Differences in family influences on college attendance plans for male and female ninth graders
FK Stage, D Hossler
Research in Higher Education 30, 301-315, 1989
Influences on the choice of math/science major by gender and ethnicity
SA Maple, FK Stage
American Educational Research Journal 28 (1), 37-60, 1991
Measuring beliefs about mathematical problem solving
FK Stage, P Kloosterman
School science and mathematics 92 (3), 109-115, 1992
Women and minority faculty job satisfaction: Professional role interests, professional satisfactions, and institutional fit
D Olsen, SA Maple, FK Stage
The Journal of higher education 66 (3), 267-293, 1995
The use and interpretation of logistic regression in higher education journals: 1988–1999
CYJ Peng, TSH So, FK Stage, EP St. John
Research in higher education 43, 259-293, 2002
Creating Learning Centered Classrooms. What Does Learning Theory Have To Say? ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, Volume 26, No. 4.
FK Stage, P Muller, J Kinzie, A Simmons
ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education, One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 630 …, 1998
Motivation, academic and social integration, and the early dropout
FK Stage
American educational research journal 26 (3), 385-402, 1989
Answering critical questions using quantitative data
FK Stage
New directions for institutional research 133 (133), 5-16, 2007
Research in the college context
FK Stage, K Manning
New York: Brunner, 2003
Where is the student
FK Stage, D Hossler
Linking student behaviors, 2000
Academic engagement and student success: Do high-impact practices mean higher graduation rates?
SR Johnson, FK Stage
The Journal of Higher Education 89 (5), 753-781, 2018
College predisposition at high-minority enrollment, low-income schools
FA Hamrick, FK Stage
The Review of Higher Education 27 (2), 151-168, 2004
Gender, beliefs, and achievement in remedial college-level mathematics
FK Stage, P Kloosterman
The Journal of Higher Education 66 (3), 294-311, 1995
Reciprocal effects between the academic and social integration of college students
FK Stage
Research in Higher Education 30, 517-530, 1989
Critical quantitative inquiry in context
FK Stage, RS Wells
New directions for institutional Research 2013 (158), 1-7, 2014
University attrition: LISREL with logistic regression for the persistence criterion
FK Stage
Research in Higher Education 29, 343-357, 1988
Preservice multicultural teacher education: Predictors of student readiness
C Bennett, T Niggle, F Stage
Teaching and teacher education 6 (3), 243-254, 1990
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