Luis E. Hueso
Luis E. Hueso
Ikerbasque Research Professor, CIC nanoGUNE (ROR 023ke8y90)
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Cited by
Spin routes in organic semiconductors
VA Dediu, LE Hueso, I Bergenti, C Taliani
Nature materials 8 (9), 707-716, 2009
Unravelling the role of the interface for spin injection into organic semiconductors
C Barraud, P Seneor, R Mattana, S Fusil, K Bouzehouane, C Deranlot, ...
Nature Physics 6 (8), 615-620, 2010
Infrared hyperbolic metasurface based on nanostructured van der Waals materials
P Li, I Dolado, FJ Alfaro-Mozaz, F Casanova, LE Hueso, S Liu, JH Edgar, ...
Science 359 (6378), 892-896, 2018
Transformation of spin information into large electrical signals using carbon nanotubes
LE Hueso, JM Pruneda, V Ferrari, G Burnell, JP Valdés-Herrera, ...
Nature 445 (7126), 410-413, 2007
Room-temperature spintronic effects in -based hybrid devices
V Dediu, LE Hueso, I Bergenti, A Riminucci, F Borgatti, P Graziosi, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (11), 115203, 2008
Controlling graphene plasmons with resonant metal antennas and spatial conductivity patterns
P Alonso-González, AY Nikitin, F Golmar, A Centeno, A Pesquera, ...
Science 344 (6190), 1369-1373, 2014
Activating the molecular spinterface
M Cinchetti, VA Dediu, LE Hueso
Nature materials 16 (5), 507-515, 2017
Direct observation of ultraslow hyperbolic polariton propagation with negative phase velocity
E Yoxall, M Schnell, AY Nikitin, O Txoperena, A Woessner, MB Lundeberg, ...
Nature Photonics 9 (10), 674-678, 2015
Boron nitride nanoresonators for phonon-enhanced molecular vibrational spectroscopy at the strong coupling limit
P Li, I Dolado, FJ Alfaro-Mozaz, R Esteban, A Atxabal, F Casanova, ...
Light: Science & Applications 7 (4), 17172-17172, 2018
Tuning the spin Hall effect of Pt from the moderately dirty to the superclean regime
E Sagasta, Y Omori, M Isasa, M Gradhand, LE Hueso, Y Niimi, YC Otani, ...
Physical Review B 94 (6), 060412, 2016
Acoustic terahertz graphene plasmons revealed by photocurrent nanoscopy
P Alonso-González, AY Nikitin, Y Gao, A Woessner, MB Lundeberg, ...
Nature nanotechnology 12 (1), 31-35, 2017
Temperature dependence of spin diffusion length and spin Hall angle in Au and Pt
M Isasa, E Villamor, LE Hueso, M Gradhand, F Casanova
Physical Review B 91 (2), 024402, 2015
Room-Temperature Spin Hall Effect in Graphene/MoS2 van der Waals Heterostructures
CK Safeer, J Ingla-Aynés, F Herling, JH Garcia, M Vila, N Ontoso, ...
Nano letters 19 (2), 1074-1082, 2019
Giant and reversible extrinsic magnetocaloric effects in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 films due to strain
X Moya, LE Hueso, F Maccherozzi, AI Tovstolytkin, DI Podyalovskii, ...
Nature materials 12 (1), 52-58, 2013
Resolving the electromagnetic mechanism of surface-enhanced light scattering at single hot spots
P Alonso-González, P Albella, M Schnell, J Chen, F Huth, A García-Etxarri, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 684, 2012
Nanofocusing of mid-infrared energy with tapered transmission lines
M Schnell, P Alonso-Gonzalez, L Arzubiaga, F Casanova, LE Hueso, ...
Nature photonics 5 (5), 283-287, 2011
A two-dimensional spin field-effect switch
W Yan, O Txoperena, R Llopis, H Dery, LE Hueso, F Casanova
Nature communications 7 (1), 13372, 2016
Intergranular magnetoresistance in nanomanganites
MA Lopez-Quintela, LE Hueso, J Rivas, F Rivadulla
Nanotechnology 14 (2), 212, 2003
Tuning of the magnetocaloric effect in La0. 67Ca0. 33MnO3− δ nanoparticles synthesized by sol–gel techniques
LE Hueso, P Sande, DR Miguens, J Rivas, F Rivadulla, ...
Journal of applied physics 91 (12), 9943-9947, 2002
Room‐Temperature Spin Transport in C60‐Based Spin Valves
M Gobbi, F Golmar, R Llopis, F Casanova, LE Hueso
Advanced Materials 23 (14), 1609-1613, 2011
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Articles 1–20