Antonio Toral
Cited by
Cited by
Attaining the unattainable? reassessing claims of human parity in neural machine translation
A Toral, S Castilho, K Hu, A Way
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.10432, 2018
A multifaceted evaluation of neural versus phrase-based machine translation for 9 language directions
A Toral, VM Sánchez-Cartagena
arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.02901, 2017
A proposal to automatically build and maintain gazetteers for Named Entity Recognition by using Wikipedia
A Toral, R Munoz
Proceedings of the Workshop on NEW TEXT Wikis and blogs and other dynamic …, 2006
What level of quality can neural machine translation attain on literary text?
A Toral, A Way
Translation quality assessment: From principles to practice, 263-287, 2018
Post-editing effort of a novel with statistical and neural machine translation
A Toral, M Wieling, A Way
Frontiers in Digital Humanities 5, 9, 2018
Translators’ perceptions of literary post-editing using statistical and neural machine translation
J Moorkens, A Toral, S Castilho, A Way
Translation Spaces 7 (2), 240-262, 2018
Post-editese: an exacerbated translationese
A Toral
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.00900, 2019
A set of recommendations for assessing human–machine parity in language translation
S Läubli, S Castilho, G Neubig, R Sennrich, Q Shen, A Toral
Journal of artificial intelligence research 67, 653–672-653–672, 2020
Machine-assisted translation of literary text: A case study
A Toral, A Way
Translation Spaces 4 (2), 240-267, 2015
Semeval-2010 task 17: All-words word sense disambiguation on a specific domain
E Agirre, OL De Lacalle, C Fellbaum, SK Hsieh, M Tesconi, M Monachini, ...
Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on semantic evaluation, 75-80, 2010
Automatic extraction of Arabic multiword expressions
M Attia, A Toral, L Tounsi, P Pecina, J Van Genabith
Proceedings of the 2010 workshop on multiword expressions: From theory to …, 2010
The impact of post-editing and machine translation on creativity and reading experience
A Guerberof-Arenas, A Toral
Translation Spaces 9 (2), 255-282, 2020
Fine-grained human evaluation of neural versus phrase-based machine translation
F Klubička, A Toral, VM Sánchez-Cartagena
The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics 108 (1), 121, 2017
Creativity in translation: Machine translation as a constraint for literary texts
A Guerberof-Arenas, A Toral
Translation Spaces 11 (2), 184-212, 2022
The effect of translationese in machine translation test sets
M Zhang, A Toral
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.08069, 2019
Perception vs. reality: measuring machine translation post-editing productivity
F Gaspari, A Toral, SK Naskar, D Groves, A Way
Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the Association for Machine …, 2014
Exploring neural methods for parsing discourse representation structures
R Van Noord, L Abzianidze, A Toral, J Bos
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 6, 619-633, 2018
Quantitative fine-grained human evaluation of machine translation systems: a case study on English to Croatian
F Klubička, A Toral, VM Sánchez-Cartagena
Machine Translation 32 (3), 195-215, 2018
Named Entity WordNet.
A Toral, R Munoz, M Monachini
LREC, 2008
Thank you BART! rewarding pre-trained models improves formality style transfer
H Lai, A Toral, M Nissim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.06947, 2021
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Articles 1–20