Erkan Kaplanoglu
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Cited by
Evaluation of artificial intelligence techniques in disease diagnosis and prediction
N Ghaffar Nia, E Kaplanoglu, A Nasab
Discover Artificial Intelligence 3 (1), 5, 2023
24 DOF EMG controlled hybrid actuated prosthetic hand
A Atasoy, E Kaya, E Toptas, S Kuchimov, E Kaplanoglu, M Ozkan
2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2016
Design of shape memory alloy-based and tendon-driven actuated fingers towards a hybrid anthropomorphic prosthetic hand
E Kaplanoglu
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 9 (3), 77, 2012
EMG signal classification using fuzzy logic
O Ulkır, G Gokmen, E Kaplanoglu
Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 5 (2), 97-101, 2017
Exoskeleton design and adaptive compliance control for hand rehabilitation
G Akgun, AE Cetin, E Kaplanoglu
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 42 (3), 493-502, 2020
Simplified denoising for robust specific emitter identification of preamble-based waveforms
JH Tyler, MKM Fadul, DR Reising, E Kaplanoglu
2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-7, 2021
Human activity recognition using machine learning algorithms based on IMU data
NG Nia, E Kaplanoglu, A Nasab, H Qin
2023 5th International Conference on Bio-engineering for Smart Technologies …, 2023
Mechanical design and analysis of a pneumatic ankle foot orthosis
O Ulkir, G Akgun, E Kaplanoglu
2018 Electric Electronics, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineerings …, 2018
Comparison of EMG based finger motion classification algorithms
E Altan, K Pehlivan, E Kaplanoğlu
2019 27th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2019
Biomechanical design of an anthropomorphic prosthetic hand
A Atasoy, E Toptaş, S Kuchimov, S Gulfize, M Turpcu, E Kaplanoglu, ...
2018 7th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2018
Data-Driven Predictive Control of a Pneumatic Ankle Foot Orthosis.
O Ulkir, G Akgun, A Nasab, E Kaplanoglu
Advances in Electrical & Computer Engineering 21 (1), 2021
Sonlu Durum Makine Yöntemi ile Profitez El Kontrolü''
G Akgün, A Alveroğlu, E Kaplanoğlu
Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, TOK2013, 26-28 Eylül 2013, Malatya, p158 162, 2013
Application of deep learning to imu sensor motion
M Christian, C Uyanik, E Erdemir, E Kaplanoglu, S Bhattacharya, R Bailey, ...
2019 SoutheastCon, 1-6, 2019
EMG Sinyallerinin Öznitelik Çıkarımı ve Geri Yayılımlı Yapay Sinir Ağı, Algoritması İle Sınıflandırılması
G Akgün, M Demetgül, E Kaplanoğlu
Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, TOK2013, 26-28, 2013
Physical layer-based iot security: An investigation into improving preamble-based sei performance when using multiple waveform collections
JH Tyler, DR Reising, FI Kandah, E Kaplanoglu, MMK Fadul
IEEE Access 10, 133601-133616, 2022
Reinforcement learning-based grasp pattern control of upper limb prosthetics in an AI platform
NG Nia, A Nasab, E Kaplanoglu
2022 3rd International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference …, 2022
An application for fundamental computer programming learning
O Aki, A Güllü, E Kaplanoğlu
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 176, 291-298, 2015
Ac Servo Motor Eğitim Seti Tasarimi Ve Konum Kontrolü
A Güllü, YF Sur, E Kaplanoğlu
Uluslararası Teknolojik Bilimler Dergisi 1 (2), 74-81, 2009
A deep learning approach for motion segment estimation for pipe leak detection robot
C Uyanik, E Erdemir, E Kaplanoglu, A Sekmen
Procedia Computer Science 158, 37-44, 2019
Anthropomorphic dexterous prosthetic hand: mechanical design
A Atasoy, Y Cotur, E Toptas, S Kuchimov, E Kaplanoglu, S Takka, ...
37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2015
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Articles 1–20