varun thakur
varun thakur
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Electronic structure of GaN nanowall network analysed by XPS
V Thakur, SM Shivaprasad
Applied Surface Science 327, 389-393, 2015
Universal metal-semiconductor hybrid nanostructured SERS substrate for biosensing
S Siddhanta, V Thakur, C Narayana, SM Shivaprasad
ACS applied materials & interfaces 4 (11), 5807-5812, 2012
Role of quantum confinement in giving rise to high electron mobility in GaN nanowall networks
HP Bhasker, V Thakur, SM Shivaprasad, S Dhar
Solid State Communications 220, 72-76, 2015
Enhanced band edge luminescence from stress and defect free GaN nanowall network morphology
V Thakur, M Kesaria, SM Shivaprasad
Solid state communications 171, 8-13, 2013
Quantum coherence of electrons in random networks of c-axis oriented wedge-shaped GaN nanowalls grown by molecular beam epitaxy
HP Bhasker, V Thakur, SM Shivaprasad, S Dhar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.0366, 2014
Polarization induced two dimensional confinement of carriers in wedge shaped polar semiconductors
S Deb, HP Bhasker, V Thakur, SM Shivaprasad, S Dhar
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 26429, 2016
Surface modification induced photoluminescence enhancement of GaN nanowall network grown on c-sapphire
V Thakur, SK Nayak, KK Nagaraja, SM Shivaprasad
Electronic Materials Letters 11, 398-403, 2015
Growth of ultrafast, super dense ZnO nanorods using microwaves for piezoelectric MEMS applications
R Kumar, S Tiwari, V Thakur, R Pratap
Materials Chemistry and Physics 255, 123607, 2020
Coherent transmission of superconducting carriers through a∼ 2 μm polar semiconductor
H Chakraborti, S Deb, R Schott, V Thakur, A Chatterjee, S Yadav, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 31 (8), 085007, 2018
Transport and optical properties of c-axis oriented wedge shaped GaN nanowall network grown by molecular beam epitaxy
HP Bhasker, V Thakur, M Kesaria, SM Shivaprasad, S Dhar
AIP Conference Proceedings 1583 (1), 252-258, 2014
Size and distribution control of surface plasmon enhanced photoluminescence and SERS signal in Ag–GaN hybrid systems
V Thakur, S Siddhanta, C Narayana, SM Shivaprasad
RSC advances 5 (129), 106832-106837, 2015
Investigation of band offset at PEDOT: PSS/GaN interface
M Mishra, V Thakur, P Srivastava, G Gupta
Applied Physics A 127 (4), 274, 2021
Homologous Self‐Assembled Superlattices: What Causes their Periodic Polarity Switching?
V Thakur, D Benafsha, Y Turkulets, AR Azulay, X Liang, RS Goldman, ...
Advanced Physics Research 3 (2), 2300039, 2024
High electron mobility in wedge shaped GaN nanowall networks grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy
HP Bhasker, RP Yadav, SN Pandey, PK Priya, S Dhar, V Thakur, ...
Proceedings of the seventeenth international conference on thin films: abstracts, 2017
Improved structural quality of GaN nanowall network grown on pre-nitrided c-sapphire
V Thakur, SK Nayak, KK Nagaraja, SM Shivaprasad
2014 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), 1-4, 2014
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Articles 1–15