Garrett Geoffrey Gross
Garrett Geoffrey Gross
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Cited by
Recombinant probes for visualizing endogenous synaptic proteins in living neurons
GG Gross, JA Junge, RJ Mora, HB Kwon, CA Olson, TT Takahashi, ...
Neuron 78 (6), 971-985, 2013
An E3-ligase-based method for ablating inhibitory synapses
GG Gross, C Straub, J Perez-Sanchez, WP Dempsey, JA Junge, ...
nAture methods 13 (8), 673-678, 2016
Visual deprivation during the critical period enhances layer 2/3 GABAergic inhibition in mouse V1
M Kannan, GG Gross, DB Arnold, MJ Higley
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (22), 5914-5919, 2016
RasIns: genetically encoded intrabodies of activated Ras proteins
M Cetin, WE Evenson, GG Gross, F Jalali-Yazdi, D Krieger, D Arnold, ...
Journal of molecular biology 429 (4), 562-573, 2017
Role of X11 and ubiquilin as in vivo regulators of the amyloid precursor protein in Drosophila
GG Gross, RMR Feldman, A Ganguly, J Wang, H Yu, M Guo
PLoS One 3 (6), e2495, 2008
X11/Mint genes control polarized localization of axonal membrane proteins in vivo
GG Gross, GM Lone, LK Leung, V Hartenstein, M Guo
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (19), 8575-8586, 2013
Discs large 1 controls daughter-cell polarity after cytokinesis in vertebrate morphogenesis
Y Li, JA Junge, C Arnesano, GG Gross, JH Miner, R Moats, RW Roberts, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (46), E10859-E10868, 2018
Antibody and antibody mimetic for visualization and ablation of endogenous proteins
DB Arnold, RW Roberts, GG Gross, R Mora, J Junge
US Patent 9,746,475, 2017
Molecular layer disinhibition unlocks climbing-fiber-instructed motor learning in the cerebellum
K Zhang, Z Yang, MA Gaffield, GG Gross, DB Arnold, JM Christie
bioRxiv, 2023.08. 04.552059, 2023
Antibody and antibody mimetic for visualization and ablation of endogenous proteins
DB Arnold, RW Roberts, GG Gross, R Mora, J Junge
US Patent App. 15/688,635, 2018
Polypeptides that bind activated ras proteins
M Cetin, G Gross, R Roberts
US Patent App. 15/844,049, 2018
Identification of X11 as a regulator of APP's intracellular domain and axonal protein asymmetry in Drosophila
GG Gross
University of California, Los Angeles, 2009
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Articles 1–12