Pablo Baudin
Pablo Baudin
Post Doc, LCBC, EPFL, Lausanne
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Cited by
Linear-scaling coupled cluster with perturbative triple excitations: The divide–expand–consolidate CCSD (T) model
JJ Eriksen, P Baudin, P Ettenhuber, K Kristensen, T Kjærgaard, ...
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 11 (7), 2984-2993, 2015
Efficient linear-scaling second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory: The divide–expand–consolidate RI-MP2 model
P Baudin, P Ettenhuber, S Reine, K Kristensen, T Kjærgaard
The Journal of chemical physics 144 (5), 2016
The divide–expand–consolidate coupled cluster scheme
T Kjærgaard, P Baudin, D Bykov, K Kristensen, P Jørgensen
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science 7 (6), e1319, 2017
LoFEx—A local framework for calculating excitation energies: Illustrations using RI-CC2 linear response theory
P Baudin, K Kristensen
The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (22), 2016
Orbital spaces in the divide-expand-consolidate coupled cluster method
P Ettenhuber, P Baudin, T Kjærgaard, P Jørgensen, K Kristensen
The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (16), 2016
Correlated natural transition orbital framework for low-scaling excitation energy calculations (CorNFLEx)
P Baudin, K Kristensen
The Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (21), 2017
A local framework for calculating coupled cluster singles and doubles excitation energies (LoFEx-CCSD)
P Baudin, D Bykov, D Liakh, P Ettenhuber, K Kristensen
Molecular Physics 115 (17-18), 2135-2144, 2017
Cluster perturbation theory. III. Perturbation series for coupled cluster singles and doubles excitation energies
P Baudin, F Pawłowski, D Bykov, D Liakh, K Kristensen, J Olsen, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 150 (13), 2019
Massively parallel and linear-scaling algorithm for second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory applied to the study of supramolecular wires
T Kjærgaard, P Baudin, D Bykov, JJ Eriksen, P Ettenhuber, K Kristensen, ...
Computer Physics Communications 212, 152-160, 2017
Density-functional study of luminescence in polypyridine ruthenium complexes
CM Wawire, D Jouvenot, F Loiseau, P Baudin, S Liatard, L Njenga, ...
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 276, 8-15, 2014
Calculation of excitation energies from the CC2 linear response theory using Cholesky decomposition
P Baudin, JS Marín, IG Cuesta, AMJ Sánchez de Merás
The Journal of Chemical Physics 140 (10), 2014
CC2 oscillator strengths within the local framework for calculating excitation energies (LoFEx)
P Baudin, T Kjærgaard, K Kristensen
The Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (14), 2017
A theoretical perspective of the ultrafast transient absorption dynamics of CsPbBr3
A Boziki, P Baudin, E Liberatore, N Ashari Astani, U Rothlisberger
Journal of Computational Chemistry 43 (8), 577-582, 2022
A multiple time step algorithm for trajectory surface hopping simulations
P Baudin, F Mouvet, U Rothlisberger
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (3), 2022
Coupled Cluster Theory for Large Molecules
P Baudin
Institut for Kemi, Aarhus Universitet, 2017
A Antalik, B Araujo Cautiero Horta, JS Arey, N Ashari Astani, PJ Baudin, ...
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Articles 1–16