Claus Hedegaard  Sørensen
Claus Hedegaard Sørensen
K2 The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Public Transport; VTI The Swedish National Road and Transport
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Cited by
Public transport regimes and mobility as a service: Governance approaches in Amsterdam, Birmingham, and Helsinki
F Hirschhorn, A Paulsson, CH Sørensen, W Veeneman
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 130, 178-191, 2019
Strategies to manage barriers in policy formation and implementation of road pricing packages
CH Sørensen, K Isaksson, J Macmillen, J Åkerman, F Kressler
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 60, 40-52, 2014
Increased coordination in public transport—which mechanisms are available?
CH Sørensen, F Longva
Transport Policy 18 (1), 117-125, 2011
Some use—Little influence? On the roles of indicators in European sustainable transport policy
H Gudmundsson, CH Sørensen
Ecological Indicators 35, 43-51, 2013
Collaboration in public transport planning–Why, how and what?
A Paulsson, K Isaksson, CH Sørensen, R Hrelja, T Rye, C Scholten
Research in Transportation Economics 69, 377-385, 2018
Russian dolls and Chinese whispers: Two perspectives on the unintended effects of sustainability indicator communication
J Lyytimäki, H Gudmundsson, CH Sørensen
Sustainable Development 22 (2), 84-94, 2014
The impact of governance modes on sustainable transport–the case of bus transport in Greater Manchester, UK
CH Sorensen, H Gudmundsson
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research 3 (1-2), 8-25, 2010
Planning analysis and political steering with new public management
T Sager, CH Sørensen
European Planning Studies 19 (2), 217-241, 2011
Two nucleoside transporters in Lactococcus lactis with different substrate specificities
J Martinussen, C Sørensen, CB Jendresen, M Kilstrup
Microbiology 156 (10), 3148-3157, 2010
How to manage barriers to formation and implementation of policy packages in transport
J Åkerman, H Gudmundsson, CH Sørensen, K Isaksson, S Olsen, ...
OPTIC. Optimal policies for transport in combination: 7th framework …, 2011
Different pathways for achieving cleaner urban areas: a roadmap towards the white paper goal for urban transport
J Schippl, H Gudmundsson, CH Sørensen, K Anderton, R Brand, ...
Transportation Research Procedia 14, 2604-2613, 2016
Knowledge for policy-making in times of uncertainty: the case of autonomous vehicle model results
C Curtis, S McLeod, J Hultén, F Pettersson-Lofstedt, A Paulsson, ...
Transport reviews 41 (4), 478-498, 2021
Shaping smart mobility futures: Governance and policy instruments in times of sustainability transitions
A Paulsson, CH Sørensen
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020
Promoting sustainability through national transport planning
MB Barfod, S Leleur, H Gudmundsson, CH Sørensen, C Greve
European journal of transport and infrastructure research 18 (3), 250-261, 2018
Key for an implantable medical device activator
L Strawn, KC Johnson, C Sørensen, GM Smith, TM Bottger, JL Arnold
US Patent App. 29/269,706, 2008
Målrettet bruk av konkurranseutsetting av persontransporttjenester innen lokal kollektivtransport, jernbane og luftfart.: Synteserapport
F Longva, O Ossland, JI Lian, C Hedegaard Sørensen, D van der Velde
Transportøkonomisk institutt, 2005
The case for ‘public’transport in the age of automated mobility
I Docherty, J Stone, C Curtis, CH Sørensen, A Paulsson, C Legacy, ...
Cities 128, 103784, 2022
Styring, delegering og innflytelse?: om Stortingets behandling av Nasjonal transportplan 2006-2015
IA Ravlum, CH Sørensen
Transportøkonomisk institutt, 2005
A typology of inter-organisational coordination in public transport: The case of timetable planning in Denmark
CH Sørensen
Research in Transportation Economics 69, 411-419, 2018
New Conditions for Decisionmaking and Coordination in Transport?: Corporatisation and Division in the Danish Railway Sector
C Hedegaard Sørensen
Ashgate, 2005
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Articles 1–20