Yao Haicheng
Yao Haicheng
National University of Singapore
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Wireless body sensor networks based on metamaterial textiles
X Tian, PM Lee, YJ Tan, TLY Wu, H Yao, M Zhang, Z Li, KA Ng, BCK Tee, ...
Nature Electronics 2 (6), 243-251, 2019
Wireless battery-free body sensor networks using near-field-enabled clothing
R Lin, HJ Kim, S Achavananthadith, SA Kurt, SCC Tan, H Yao, BCK Tee, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 444, 2020
A neuro-inspired artificial peripheral nervous system for scalable electronic skins
WW Lee, YJ Tan, H Yao, S Li, HH See, M Hon, KA Ng, B Xiong, JS Ho, ...
Science Robotics 4 (32), eaax2198, 2019
Near–hysteresis-free soft tactile electronic skins for wearables and reliable machine learning
H Yao, W Yang, W Cheng, YJ Tan, HH See, S Li, HPA Ali, BZH Lim, Z Liu, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (41), 25352-25359, 2020
A wireless and battery-free wound infection sensor based on DNA hydrogel
Z Xiong, S Achavananthadith, S Lian, LE Madden, ZX Ong, W Chua, ...
Science advances 7 (47), eabj1617, 2021
Wirelessly operated bioelectronic sutures for the monitoring of deep surgical wounds
V Kalidasan, X Yang, Z Xiong, RR Li, H Yao, H Godaba, S Obuobi, ...
Nature Biomedical Engineering 5 (10), 1217-1227, 2021
Sensorized reconfigurable soft robotic gripper system for automated food handling
JH Low, PM Khin, QQ Han, H Yao, YS Teoh, Y Zeng, S Li, J Liu, Z Liu, ...
IEEE/ASME Transactions On Mechatronics 27 (5), 3232-3243, 2021
Frictionless multiphasic interface for near-ideal aero-elastic pressure sensing
W Cheng, X Wang, Z Xiong, J Liu, Z Liu, Y Jin, H Yao, TS Wong, JS Ho, ...
Nature Materials 22 (11), 1352-1360, 2023
Augmented reality interfaces using virtual customization of microstructured electronic skin sensor sensitivity performances
H Yao, T Sun, JS Chiam, M Tan, KY Ho, Z Liu, BCK Tee
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (39), 2008650, 2021
Environment-resilient graphene vibrotactile sensitive sensors for machine intelligence
H Yao, P Li, W Cheng, W Yang, Z Yang, HPA Ali, H Guo, BCK Tee
ACS Materials Letters 2 (8), 986-992, 2020
ST-MNIST--The Spiking Tactile MNIST Neuromorphic Dataset
HH See, B Lim, S Li, H Yao, W Cheng, H Soh, BCK Tee
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.04319, 2020
An Atlas for Large-Area Electronic Skins: From Materials to Systems Design
W Yang, M Hon, H Yao, BCK Tee
Elements in Flexible and Large-Area Electronics, 2020
Tactile sensory response prediction and design using virtual tests
ZP Wang, H Yao, HH See, W Yang, BCK Tee, Z Liu
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 360, 114571, 2023
Wireless body sensor networks based on metamaterial textiles. Nat. Electron. 2, 243–251 (2019)
X Tian, PM Lee, YJ Tan, TLY Wu, H Yao, MY Zhang, ZP Li, KA Ng, ...
Composite structure for a pressure sensor and pressure sensor
CK Tee, YAO Haicheng, LI Pengju, W Cheng
US Patent App. 17/618,258, 2022
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Articles 1–15