Joey Reinders
Joey Reinders
Canon Production Printing
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Cited by
String stable model predictive cooperative adaptive cruise control for heterogeneous platoons
E Van Nunen, J Reinders, E Semsar-Kazerooni, N Van De Wouw
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 4 (2), 186-196, 2019
Adaptive control for mechanical ventilation for improved pressure support
J Reinders, B Hunnekens, F Heck, T Oomen, N van de Wouw
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 29 (1), 180-193, 2020
Repetitive control for Lur’e-type systems: application to mechanical ventilation
J Reinders, M Giaccagli, B Hunnekens, D Astolfi, T Oomen, ...
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 31 (4), 1819-1829, 2023
Improving mechanical ventilation for patient care through repetitive control
J Reinders, R Verkade, B Hunnekens, N van de Wouw, T Oomen
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 1415-1420, 2020
Noninvasive breathing effort estimation of mechanically ventilated patients using sparse optimization
J Reinders, B Hunnekens, N van de Wouw, T Oomen
IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems 1, 57-68, 2022
Accurate pressure tracking to support mechanically ventilated patients using an estimated nonlinear hose model and delay compensation
J Reinders, B Hunnekens, F Heck, T Oomen, N van de Wouw
Control Engineering Practice 106, 104660, 2021
Online hose calibration for pressure control in mechanical ventilation
J Reinders, F Heck, B Hunnekens, T Oomen, N van de Wouw
2019 American Control Conference (ACC), 5414-5419, 2019
Linear repetitive control for a nonlinear mechanical ventilation system using feedback linearization
J Reinders, B Hunnekens, T Oomen, N Van De Wouw
2021 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 719-726, 2021
Automatic patient-ventilator asynchrony detection framework using objective asynchrony definitions
L van de Kamp, J Reinders, B Hunnekens, T Oomen, N van de Wouw
IFAC Journal of Systems and Control 27, 100236, 2024
Triggered repetitive control: Application to mechanically ventilated patients
J Reinders, D Elshove, B Hunnekens, N Van De Wouw, T Oomen
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 31 (4), 1581-1593, 2023
Flipped halfwave: improved modeling of spontaneous breathing effort
J Reinders, L van de Kamp, B Hunnekens, T Oomen, N van de Wouw
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (15), 175-179, 2021
Adaptive control for compensation of non-linear hose characteristics in mechanical ventilation
J Reinders, B Hunnekens, T Oomen, N van de Wouw
10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, ENOC 2022, 2022
Smart Mechanical Ventilators: Learning for Monitoring and Control
JMF Reinders
IFAC Journal of Systems and Control
L van de Kamp, J Reinders, B Hunnekens, T Oomen, N van de Wouw
Using ANNs in dynamical systems to improve asynchrony detection in mechanical ventilation
L van de Kamp, J Reinders, B Hunnekens, T Oomen, N van de Wouw
41st Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control 2022, 2022
Repetitive control to improve pressure tracking performance in mechanical ventilation of sedated patients
JMF Reinders, R Verkade, BGB Hunnekens, N van de Wouw, ...
39th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control 2020, 104, 2020
Adaptive pressure control applied to mechanically ventilated patients
J Reinders, B Hunnekens, T Oomen, N van de Wouw
38th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control 2019, 134, 2019
Modeling and Model Predictive Control of a closed-circuit mechanical inhalator
JHM van den Hurk, S DEMCON, BGB Hunnekens, JMF Reinders, ...
Automation, analysis and improvement of an experimental setup for the measurement of anisotropic friction
JMF Reinders, RI Leine, H Nijmeijer
Triggered repetitive control of spontaneously breathing patients
JMF Reinders, BGB Hunnekens, TAE Oomen, N van de Wouw
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Articles 1–20