Jun Lei
Cited by
Cited by
English-medium instruction in Chinese higher education: A case study
G Hu, J Lei
Higher education 67, 551-567, 2014
English-medium instruction at a Chinese University: Rhetoric and reality
G Hu, L Li, J Lei
Language policy 13, 21-40, 2014
Is English-medium instruction effective in improving Chinese undergraduate students' English competence?
J Lei, G Hu
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 52 (2), 99-126, 2014
Investigating Chinese university students’ knowledge of and attitudes toward plagiarism from an integrated perspective
G Hu, J Lei
Language learning 62 (3), 813-850, 2012
Chinese university students’ perceptions of plagiarism
G Hu, J Lei
Ethics & Behavior, 2014
What matters in AI-supported learning: A study of human-AI interactions in language learning using cluster analysis and epistemic network analysis
X Wang, Q Liu, H Pang, SC Tan, J Lei, MP Wallace, L Li
Computers & Education 194, 104703, 2023
Preparing for AI-enhanced education: Conceptualizing and empirically examining teachers’ AI readiness
X Wang, L Li, SC Tan, L Yang, J Lei
Computers in Human Behavior 146, 107798, 2023
Doctoral candidates' dual role as student and expert scholarly writer: An activity theory perspective
J Lei, G Hu
English for Specific Purposes 54, 62-74, 2019
Apprenticeship in scholarly publishing: A student perspective on supervisors' roles
J Lei, G Hu
Publications 3, 27-42, 2015
Plagiarism in English academic writing: A comparison of Chinese university teachers' and students' understandings and stances
System 56 (1), 107-118, 2016
Chinese university EFL teachers’ perceptions of plagiarism
J Lei, G Hu
Higher Education 70 (3), 551-565, 2015
English-medium instruction and content learning in higher education: Effects of medium of instruction, English proficiency, and academic ability
T Lin, J Lei
Sage Open 11 (4), 21582440211061533, 2021
Exploring the blended learning design for argumentative writing
T Jin, Y Su, J Lei
University of Hawaii National Foreign Language Resource Center, 2020
Chinese ESOL lecturers’ stance on plagiarism: Does knowledge matter?
J Lei, G Hu
ELT journal 68 (1), 41-51, 2014
Developing an effective three-stage teaching method for collaborative academic reading: evidence from Chinese first-year college students
T Jin, X Liu, J Lei
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 45, 100853, 2020
Neoliberal ideologies in a Chinese university's requirements and rewards schemes for doctoral publication
J Lei
Studies in Continuing Education 43 (1), 68-85, 2021
Publishing during doctoral candidature from an activity theory perspective: The case of four Chinese nursing doctoral students
J Lei
Tesol Quarterly 53 (3), 655-684, 2019
Research on English-medium instruction in the Asia Pacific: Trends, foci, challenges, and strategies
J Lei, G Hu
International handbook on education development in Asia-Pacific, 1-23, 2022
Exploring learner identity in the blended learning context: A case study of collaborative writing
J Chen, J Tan, J Lei
System 108, 102841, 2022
Emergency online learning: The effects of interactional, motivational, self-regulatory, and situational factors on learning outcomes and continuation intentions
J Lei, T Lin
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 23 (3 …, 2022
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Articles 1–20