Philippa Ryan
Cited by
Cited by
State of the World’s Plants and Fungi
A Antonelli, RJ Smith, C Fry, MSJ Simmonds, PJ Kersey, HW Pritchard, ...
Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew); Sfumato Foundation, 2020
Unlocking plant resources to support food security and promote sustainable agriculture
T Ulian, M Diazgranados, S Pironon, S Padulosi, U Liu, L Davies, ...
Plants, People, Planet 2 (5), 421-445, 2020
Microbotanical evidence of domestic cereals in Africa 7000 years ago
M Madella, JJ García-Granero, WA Out, P Ryan, D Usai
PLoS One 9 (10), e110177, 2014
Plants as material culture in the Near Eastern Neolithic: Perspectives from the silica skeleton artifactual remains at Çatalhöyük
P Ryan
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 30 (3), 292-305, 2011
Surfaces and streets: phytoliths, micromorphology and changing use of space at Neolithic Çatalhöyük (Turkey)
LM Shillito, P Ryan
Antiquity 87 (337), 684-700, 2013
Plant exploitation in Neolithic Sudan: A review in the light of new data from the cemeteries R12 and Ghaba
WA Out, P Ryan, JJ García-Granero, J Barastegui, L Maritan, M Madella, ...
Quaternary International 412, 36-53, 2016
The climatic challenge: Which plants will people use in the next century?
J Borrell, S Dodsworth, F Forest, O Pérez-Escobar, M Lee, E Mattana, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2019
Indigenous peoples’ food systems and biocultural heritage: Addressing indigenous priorities using decolonial and interdisciplinary research approaches
K Swiderska, A Argumedo, C Wekesa, L Ndalilo, Y Song, A Rastogi, ...
Sustainability 14 (18), 11311, 2022
Landscape and taskscape at Çatalhöyük: an integrated perspective
M Charles, C Doherty, E Asouti, A Bogaard, E Henton, CS Larsen, ...
Integrating Çatalhöyük: themes from the 2008, 71-90, 2000
Plant exploitation from household and landscape perspectives: the phytolith evidence
P Ryan
Humans and Landscapes of Çatalhöyük: Reports from the 2008, 163-90, 2000
Lessons from the past and the future of food
K Reed, P Ryan
World archaeology 51 (1), 1-16, 2019
Phytoliths and Basketry Materials at Çatalhöyük (Turkey): Timelines of growth, harvest and objects life histories
W Wendrich, P Ryan
Paléorient, 55-63, 2012
Bringing down the house: House closing deposits at Çatalhöyük
N Russell, KI Wright, T Carter, S Ketchum, P Ryan, N Yalman, R Regan, ...
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press 10 (8), 109-121, 2014
Of bins, basins and banquets: storing, handling and sharing at Neolithic Çatalhöyük
GA Demirergi, KC Twiss, A Bogaard, L Green, P Ryan, S Farid, I Hodder
Integrating Çatalhöyük: Themes from the 2000–2008 seasons, 91-108, 2014
Assessing outdoor activities and their social implications at Çatalhöyük
A Bogaard, R Philippa, Y Nurcan, A Eleni, T Katheryn, M Camilla, ...
Integrating Çatalhöyük: themes from the 2000-2008 seasons, 123-147, 2000
Archaeobotanical research in a pharaonic town in ancient Nubia
P Ryan, C Cartwright, N Spencer
British Museum technical research bulletin 6, p. 97-107, 2012
Prioritising crop wild relatives to enhance agricultural resilience in sub‐Saharan Africa under climate change
D Satori, C Tovar, A Faruk, E Hammond Hunt, G Muller, C Cockel, N Kühn, ...
Plants, People, Planet 4 (3), 269-282, 2022
Archaeobotanical research at Amara West in New Kingdom Nubia
CR Cartwright, P Ryan
Nubia in the New Kingdom: Lived Experience, Pharaonic Control and Indigenous …, 2017
Animal dung from arid environments and archaeobotanical methodologies for its analysis: An example from animal burials of the Predynastic elite cemetery HK6 at Hierakonpolis, Egypt
E Marinova, P Ryan, W Van Neer, R Friedman
Environmental Archaeology 18 (1), 58-71, 2013
Phytolith studies in archaeology
P Ryan
Encyclopedia of global archaeology, 8572-8584, 2020
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Articles 1–20