Amir H. Alavi
Cited by
Cited by
Cuckoo search algorithm: a metaheuristic approach to solve structural optimization problems
AH Gandomi, XS Yang, AH Alavi
Engineering with Computers 29 (1), 17-35, 2013
Krill herd: a new bio-inspired optimization algorithm
AH Gandomi, AH Alavi
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17 (12), 4831-4845, 2012
Machine learning in geosciences and remote sensing
DJ Lary, AH Alavi, AH Gandomi, AL Walker
Geoscience Frontiers 7 (1), 3-10, 2016
Firefly algorithm with chaos
AH Gandomi, XS Yang, S Talatahari, AH Alavi
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 18 (1), 89-98, 2013
Mixed variable structural optimization using firefly algorithm
AH Gandomi, XS Yang, AH Alavi
Computers & Structures 89 (23-24), 2325-2336, 2011
Bat algorithm for constrained optimization tasks
AH Gandomi, XS Yang, AH Alavi, S Talatahari
Neural Computing and Applications 22, 1239-1255, 2013
Metaheuristic Applications in Structures and Infrastructure
Gandomi A.H., Yang X.S., Talatahari S., Alavi A.H.
Elsevier,Waltham, MA, USA., 2013
Internet of Things-enabled smart cities: State-of-the-art and future trends
AH Alavi, P Jiao, WG Buttlar, N Lajnef
Measurement 129, 589-606, 2018
A new multi-gene genetic programming approach to nonlinear system modeling. Part I: materials and structural engineering problems
AH Gandomi, AH Alavi
Neural Computing and Applications 21, 171-187, 2012
Nonlinear genetic-based models for prediction of flow number of asphalt mixtures
AH Gandomi, AH Alavi, MR Mirzahosseini, FM Nejad
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 23 (3), 248-263, 2011
Prediction of principal ground-motion parameters using a hybrid method coupling artificial neural networks and simulated annealing
AH Alavi, AH Gandomi
Computers & Structures 89 (23-24), 2176-2194, 2011
A robust data mining approach for formulation of geotechnical engineering systems
AH Alavi, AH Gandomi
Engineering Computations 28 (3), 242-274, 2011
Error metrics and performance fitness indicators for artificial intelligence and machine learning in engineering and sciences
MZ Naser, AH Alavi
Architecture, Structures and Construction, 1-19, 2021
An effective krill herd algorithm with migration operator in biogeography-based optimization
GG Wang, AH Gandomi, AH Alavi
Applied Mathematical Modelling 38 (9-10), 2454-2462, 2014
A new predictive model for compressive strength of HPC using gene expression programming
SM Mousavi, P Aminian, AH Gandomi, AH Alavi, H Bolandi
Advances in Engineering Software 45 (1), 105-114, 2012
Multi-stage genetic programming: a new strategy to nonlinear system modeling
AH Gandomi, AH Alavi
Information Sciences 181 (23), 5227-5239, 2011
An evolutionary approach for modeling of shear strength of RC deep beams
AH Gandomi, GJ Yun, AH Alavi
Materials and structures 46, 2109-2119, 2013
Chaotic cuckoo search
GG Wang, S Deb, AH Gandomi, Z Zhang, AH Alavi
Soft Computing 20, 3349-3362, 2016
Stud krill herd algorithm
GG Wang, AH Gandomi, AH Alavi
Neurocomputing 128, 363-370, 2014
Formulation of flow number of asphalt mixes using a hybrid computational method
AH Alavi, M Ameri, AH Gandomi, MR Mirzahosseini
Construction and Building Materials 25 (3), 1338-1355, 2011
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Articles 1–20