Giang D Nguyen
Cited by
Cited by
Experimental and numerical investigation of influence of air-voids on the compressive behaviour of foamed concrete
TT Nguyen, HH Bui, TD Ngo, GD Nguyen
Materials & Design 130, 103-119, 2017
A new SPH-based approach to simulation of granular flows using viscous damping and stress regularisation
CT Nguyen, CT Nguyen, HH Bui, GD Nguyen, R Fukagawa
Landslides 14, 69-81, 2017
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and its applications in geomechanics: From solid fracture to granular behaviour and multiphase flows in porous media
HH Bui, GD Nguyen
Computers and Geotechnics 138, 104315, 2021
Effects of thermal damage on strain burst mechanism for brittle rocks under true-triaxial loading conditions
S Akdag, M Karakus, A Taheri, G Nguyen, H Manchao
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 51, 1657-1682, 2018
Numerical investigation of the impact behaviour of bioinspired nacre-like aluminium composite plates
EA Flores-Johnson, L Shen, I Guiamatsia, GD Nguyen
Composites Science and Technology 96, 13-22, 2014
Coupled damage and plasticity models derived from energy and dissipation potentials
I Einav, GT Houlsby, GD Nguyen
International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (7-8), 2487-2508, 2007
A coupled fluid-solid SPH approach to modelling flow through deformable porous media
HH Bui, GD Nguyen
International Journal of Solids and Structures 125, 244-264, 2017
The energetics of cataclasis based on breakage mechanics
GD Nguyen, I Einav
Pure and applied geophysics 166, 1693-1724, 2009
A micromechanical investigation for the effects of pore size and its distribution on geopolymer foam concrete under uniaxial compression
TT Nguyen, HH Bui, TD Ngo, GD Nguyen, MU Kreher, F Darve
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 209, 228-244, 2019
A cohesive damage-plasticity model for DEM and its application for numerical investigation of soft rock fracture properties
NHT Nguyen, HH Bui, GD Nguyen, J Kodikara
International Journal of Plasticity 98, 175-196, 2017
A thermomechanical constitutive model for cemented granular materials with quantifiable internal variables. Part I—Theory
A Tengattini, A Das, GD Nguyen, G Viggiani, SA Hall, I Einav
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 70, 281-296, 2014
The end-bearing capacity of piles penetrating into crushable soils
C Zhang, GD Nguyen, I Einav
Géotechnique 63 (5), 341-354, 2013
Development of an approach to constitutive modelling of concrete: isotropic damage coupled with plasticity
GD Nguyen, AM Korsunsky
International Journal of Solids and Structures 45 (20), 5483-5501, 2008
Compaction bands due to grain crushing in porous rocks: a theoretical approach based on breakage mechanics
A Das, GD Nguyen, I Einav
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 116 (B8), 2011
Experimental study on the damage evolution of brittle rock under triaxial confinement with full circumferential strain control
T Bruning, M Karakus, GD Nguyen, D Goodchild
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 51, 3321-3341, 2018
A nonlocal coupled damage-plasticity model for the analysis of ductile failure
GD Nguyen, AM Korsunsky, JPH Belnoue
International Journal of Plasticity 64, 56-75, 2015
A thermodynamic approach to constitutive modelling of concrete using damage mechanics and plasticity theory
G Nguyen, GD Nguyen
Oxford University, UK, 2005
A thermomechanical constitutive model for cemented granular materials with quantifiable internal variables. Part II–validation and localization analysis
A Das, A Tengattini, GD Nguyen, G Viggiani, SA Hall, I Einav
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 70, 382-405, 2014
A scalable parallel computing SPH framework for predictions of geophysical granular flows
E Yang, HH Bui, H De Sterck, GD Nguyen, A Bouazza
Computers and Geotechnics 121, 103474, 2020
A coupled damage–plasticity model for concrete based on thermodynamic principles: Part I: model formulation and parameter identification
GD Nguyen, GT Houlsby
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2008
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Articles 1–20