Anna-Lisa Cohen
Anna-Lisa Cohen
Yeshiva University, NYC
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Separable brain systems supporting cued versus self-initiated realization of delayed intentions.
SJ Gilbert, PM Gollwitzer, AL Cohen, G Oettingen, PW Burgess
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 35 (4), 905, 2009
Self-regulatory strategy and executive control: Implementation intentions modulate task switching and Simon task performance
AL Cohen, UC Bayer, A Jaudas, PM Gollwitzer
Psychological Research 72, 12-26, 2008
Number of cues influences the cost of remembering to remember
AL Cohen, A Jaudas, PM Gollwitzer
Memory & cognition 36, 149-156, 2008
Biological age and 12-year cognitive change in older adults: findings from the Victoria Longitudinal Study
SWS MacDonald, RA Dixon, AL Cohen, JE Hazlitt
Gerontology 50 (2), 64-81, 2004
Modulation of the prospective and retrospective components of memory for intentions in younger and older adults
AL Cohen, R West, FIM Craik
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 8 (1), 1-13, 2001
The effect of perceptual distinctiveness on the prospective and retrospective components of prospective memory in young and old adults.
AL Cohen, RA Dixon, DS Lindsay, MEJ Masson
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2003
The cost of remembering to remember: Cognitive load and implementation intentions influence ongoing task performance
AL Cohen, PM Gollwitzer
Self-reported memory compensation: Similar patterns in Alzheimer's disease and very old adult samples
RA Dixon, GA Hopp, AL Cohen, CM de Frias, L Bäckman
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 25 (3), 382-390, 2003
Cognitive performance differentiates selected aspects of psychosocial maturity in adolescence
NL Galambos, SWS MacDonald, C Naphtali, AL Cohen, CM de Frias
Developmental neuropsychology 28 (1), 473-492, 2005
The intention interference effect and aging: Similar magnitude of effects for young and old adults
AL Cohen, RA Dixon, DS Lindsay
Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for …, 2005
Concepts and mechanisms of gains in cognitive aging
RA Dixon
Cognitive aging, 23-41, 2012
The specificity of prospective memory costs
AL Cohen, A Jaudas, E Hirschhorn, Y Sobin, PM Gollwitzer
Memory 20 (8), 848-864, 2012
Prospective Memory: Remembering to Remember, Remembering to Forget
AL Cohen, J Hicks
The Future Orientation of Past Memory: The Role of BA 10 in Prospective and Retrospective Retrieval Modes
A Underwood, M Guyyn, AL Cohen
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2015
The intention interference effect
AL Cohen, J Kantner, RA Dixon, DS Lindsay
Experimental Psychology, 2011
Power of the Picture: How Narrative Film Captures Attention and Disrupts Goal Pursuit
A Cohen, E Shavalian, M Rube
PLOS ONE 10 (2), 2015
Attentional decoupling while pursuing intentions: a form of mind wandering?
AL Cohen
Frontiers in Psychology 4, 693, 2013
Eye movements and prospective memory: What the eyes can tell us about prospective memory
R West, L Carlson, AL Cohen
International journal of psychophysiology 64 (3), 269-277, 2007
Let it go: the flexible engagement and disengagement of monitoring processes in a non-focal prospective memory task
AL Cohen, A Gordon, A Jaudas, C Hefer, G Dreisbach
Psychological Research, 2016
The flexible engagement of monitoring processes in non-focal and focal prospective memory tasks with salient cues.
C Hefer, AL Cohen, A Jaudas, G Dreisbach
Acta Psychologica 179, 42-53, 2017
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20