Dusan Jakovetic
Dusan Jakovetic
Dept. of Math. and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, Univ. of Novi Sad
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Cited by
Fast distributed gradient methods
D Jakovetić, J Xavier, JMF Moura
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (5), 1131-1146, 2014
Linear convergence rate of a class of distributed augmented lagrangian algorithms
D Jakovetić, JMF Moura, J Xavier
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (4), 922-936, 2014
Cooperative convex optimization in networked systems: Augmented Lagrangian algorithms with directed gossip communication
D Jakovetic, J Xavier, JMF Moura
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (8), 3889-3902, 2011
A unification and generalization of exact distributed first-order methods
D Jakovetić
IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks 5 (1 …, 2018
Big data for weed control and crop protection
FK Van Evert, S Fountas, D Jakovetic, V Crnojevic, I Travlos, ...
Weed Research 57 (4), 218-233, 2017
Distributed detection via Gaussian running consensus: Large deviations asymptotic analysis
D Bajovic, J Xavier, B Sinopoli, JMF Moura
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (9), 4381-4396, 2011
Newton-like method with diagonal correction for distributed optimization
D Bajovic, D Jakovetic, N Krejic, NK Jerinkic
SIAM Journal on Optimization 27 (2), 1171-1203, 2017
Weight optimization for consensus algorithms with correlated switching topology
D Jakovetić, J Xavier, JMF Moura
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 58 (7), 3788-3801, 2010
Convergence rates for distributed stochastic optimization over random networks
D Jakovetic, D Bajovic, AK Sahu, S Kar
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4238-4245, 2018
Distributed detection over noisy networks: Large deviations analysis
D Jakovetić, JMF Moura, J Xavier
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (8), 4306-4320, 2012
Distributed Nesterov gradient methods over arbitrary graphs
R Xin, D Jakovetić, UA Khan
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 26 (8), 1247-1251, 2019
Large deviations performance of consensus+ innovations distributed detection with non-Gaussian observations
D Bajovic, D Jakovetic, JMF Moura, J Xavier, B Sinopoli
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (11), 5987-6002, 2012
Deep learning anomaly detection for cellular IoT with applications in smart logistics
M Savic, M Lukic, D Danilovic, Z Bodroski, D Bajović, I Mezei, ...
IEEE Access 9, 59406-59419, 2021
Convergence rates of distributed Nesterov-like gradient methods on random networks
D Jakovetić, JMF Xavier, JMF Moura
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62 (4), 868-882, 2013
Distributed zeroth order optimization over random networks: A Kiefer-Wolfowitz stochastic approximation approach
AK Sahu, D Jakovetic, D Bajovic, S Kar
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4951-4958, 2018
Primal–dual methods for large-scale and distributed convex optimization and data analytics
D Jakovetić, D Bajović, J Xavier, JMF Moura
Proceedings of the IEEE 108 (11), 1923-1938, 2020
A generic optimisation-based approach for improving non-intrusive load monitoring
K He, D Jakovetic, B Zhao, V Stankovic, L Stankovic, S Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (6), 6472-6480, 2019
Cooperative slotted aloha for multi-base station systems
D Jakovetić, D Bajović, D Vukobratović, V Crnojević
IEEE Transactions on Communications 63 (4), 1443-1456, 2015
Tax evasion risk management using a Hybrid Unsupervised Outlier Detection method
M Savić, J Atanasijević, D Jakovetić, N Krejić
Expert Systems with Applications 193, 116409, 2022
CONDENSE: A reconfigurable knowledge acquisition architecture for future 5G IoT
D Vukobratovic, D Jakovetic, V Skachek, D Bajovic, D Sejdinovic, GK Kurt, ...
IEEE Access 4, 3360-3378, 2016
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Articles 1–20