Manoj K Dubey
Manoj K Dubey
Senior Scientist (G) ICFRE-Institute of Wood Science & Technology, Bengaluru, India
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Cited by
Changes in chemistry, color, dimensional stability and fungal resistance of Pinus radiata D. Don wood with oil heat-treatment
MK Dubey, S Pang, J Walker
Walter de Gruyter 66 (1), 49-57, 2012
Effect of oil heating age on colour and dimensional stability of heat treated Pinus radiata
MK Dubey, P Shusheng, J Walker
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 69 (2), 255-262, 2011
Improvements in stability, durability and mechanical properties of radiata pine wood after heat-treatment in a vegetable oil
MK Dubey
University of Canterbury. School of Forestry, 2010
Color and dimensional stability of oil heat-treated radiata pinewood after accelerated UV weathering
MK Dubey, S Pang, J Walker
Forest Products Journal 60 (5), 453-459, 2010
Oil uptake by wood during heat-treatment and post-treatment cooling, and effects on wood dimensional stability
MK Dubey, S Pang, J Walker
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 70 (1), 183-190, 2012
Comparative study of radio-frequency and microwave heating for phytosanitary treatment of wood
MK Dubey, J Janowiak, R Mack, P Elder, K Hoover
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 1-10, 2016
Dimensional stability, fungal resistance and mechanical properties of radiata pine after combined thermo-mechanical compression and oil heat-treatment
MK Dubey, S Pang, S Chauhan, J Walker
Holzforschung, 2016
Improvements in stability, durability and mechanical properties of radiata pine wood after heat-treatment in a vegetable oil. 2010. 211 f
MK Dubey
Doutorado)-Universidade de Canterbury, Canterbury, 0
Radio frequency-assisted drying of wood: a comprehensive review
K Mishra, MK Dubey, SS Chauhan, A Kumar Sethy
Wood Material Science & Engineering, 1-14, 2024
Development of medium density particle board from Lantana camara
VR Ramkumar, K Thanigai, MC Kiran, V Prakash, MK Dubey
AIP Conference Proceedings 2901 (1), 2023
Optimization of process parameters during flax and polypropylene composite manufacturing using Box-Behnken design of experiments
AKP Dhanakodi, S Jenifer, VR Ramkumar, MK Dubey, T Gupta, M Gupta, ...
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2023
Improved Radio-Frequency Heating through Application of Wool Insulation during Phytosanitary Treatment of Wood Packaging Material of Low Moisture Content
JJ Janowiak, KS Szymona, MK Dubey, R Mack, K Hoover
Forest Products Journal 72 (2), 98-104, 2022
Bond quality, mechanical and physical properties of wood-polyethylene reinforced plywood
R Karri, BN Mohanty, MK Dubey
Improvements in Stability, Durability and Mechanical Properties of Radiata Pine Wood After Heat-treatment in a Vegetable Oil: A Thesis Submitted in Fulfilment of the …
MK Dubey
University of Canterbury, 2010
Microwave drying kinetics of Gmelina arborea wood
K Mishra, A Sethy, M Dubey, S Dan, M Somal
MDPI, 2024
Improved Radio-Frequency Heating through Application of Wool Insulation During Phytosanitary Treatment of Wood Packaging Material
K Szymona, JJ Janowiak, K Hoover, R Mack, M Dubey
Einfluss der Ölaufnahme von Holz während der Hitzebehandlung und anschließender Kühlung auf die Dimensionsstabilität
MK Dubey, S Pang, J Walker
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 70, 183-190, 2012
Einfluss der Gebrauchsdauer des Ölbades auf die Färbung und Dimensionsstabilität von wärmebehandelter Radiatakiefer
MK Dubey, S Pang, J Walker
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 69, 255-262, 2011
Medium density fiberboard in India.
MK Dubey, AN Anil Negi, DP Khali
Raw material supply to the Indian wood based industries.
MK Dubey, AN Anil Negi, DP Khali
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Articles 1–20