Gregg Recanzone
Gregg Recanzone
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Plasticity in the frequency representation of primary auditory cortex following discrimination training in adult owl monkeys
GH Recanzone, CE Schreiner, MM Merzenich
Journal of Neuroscience 13 (1), 87-103, 1993
Topographic reorganization of the hand representation in cortical area 3b owl monkeys trained in a frequency-discrimination task
GH Recanzone, MM Merzenich, WM Jenkins, KA Grajski, HR Dinse
journal of Neurophysiology 67 (5), 1031-1056, 1992
Temporal and spatial dependency of the ventriloquism effect
DA Slutsky, GH Recanzone
Neuroreport 12 (1), 7-10, 2001
Changes in the distributed temporal response properties of SI cortical neurons reflect improvements in performance on a temporally based tactile discrimination task
GH Recanzone, MM Merzenich, CE Schreiner
Journal of Neurophysiology 67 (5), 1071-1091, 1992
Frequency discrimination training engaging a restricted skin surface results in an emergence of a cutaneous response zone in cortical area 3a
GH Recanzone, MM Merzenich, WM Jenkins
Journal of Neurophysiology 67 (5), 1057-1070, 1992
Auditory influences on visual temporal rate perception
GH Recanzone
Journal of neurophysiology 89 (2), 1078-1093, 2003
Frequency and intensity response properties of single neurons in the auditory cortex of the behaving macaque monkey
GH Recanzone, DC Guard, ML Phan
Journal of neurophysiology 83 (4), 2315-2331, 2000
Rapidly induced auditory plasticity: the ventriloquism aftereffect
GH Recanzone
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (3), 869-875, 1998
Neocortical representational dynamics in adult primates: Implications for neuropsychology
WM Jenkins, MM Merzenich, G Recanzone
Neuropsychologia 28 (6), 573-584, 1990
Progressive improvement in discriminative abilities in adult owl monkeys performing a tactile frequency discrimination task
GH Recanzone, WM Jenkins, GT Hradek, MM Merzenich
Journal of Neurophysiology 67 (5), 1015-1030, 1992
Correlation between the activity of single auditory cortical neurons and sound-localization behavior in the macaque monkey
GH Recanzone, DC Guard, ML Phan, TIK Su
Journal of neurophysiology 83 (5), 2723-2739, 2000
American Geriatrics Society and National Institute on Aging Bench‐to‐Bedside Conference: sensory impairment and cognitive decline in older adults
HE Whitson, A Cronin‐Golomb, KJ Cruickshanks, GC Gilmore, C Owsley, ...
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 66 (11), 2052-2058, 2018
Expansion of the cortical representation of a specific skin field in primary somatosensory cortex by intracortical microstimulation
GH Recanzone, MM Merzenich, HR Dinse
Cerebral Cortex 2 (3), 181-196, 1992
Cortical connections of the second somatosensory area and the parietal ventral area in macaque monkeys
E Disbrow, E Litinas, GH Recanzone, J Padberg, L Krubitzer
Journal of Comparative Neurology 462 (4), 382-399, 2003
Responses of MT and MST neurons to one and two moving objects in the receptive field
GH Recanzone, RH Wurtz, U Schwarz
Journal of neurophysiology 78 (6), 2904-2915, 1997
Interactions of auditory and visual stimuli in space and time
GH Recanzone
Hearing research 258 (1-2), 89-99, 2009
Effects of stimulus azimuth and intensity on the single-neuron activity in the auditory cortex of the alert macaque monkey
TM Woods, SE Lopez, JH Long, JE Rahman, GH Recanzone
Journal of neurophysiology 96 (6), 3323-3337, 2006
Response profiles of auditory cortical neurons to tones and noise in behaving macaque monkeys
GH Recanzone
Hearing research 150 (1-2), 104-118, 2000
Spatial processing in the auditory cortex of the macaque monkey
GH Recanzone
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (22), 11829-11835, 2000
Effects of attention on MT and MST neuronal activity during pursuit initiation
GH Recanzone, RH Wurtz
Journal of Neurophysiology 83 (2), 777-790, 2000
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