 pozzo di borgo
pozzo di borgo
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Exploring gravity with the MIGA large scale atom interferometer
B Canuel, A Bertoldi, L Amand, E Pozzo di Borgo, T Chantrait, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 14064, 2018
Turbulence amplification by a shock wave and rapid distortion theory
L Jacquin, C Cambon, E Blin
Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics 5 (10), 2539-2550, 1993
An experiment on free turbulence/shock wave interaction
L Jacquin, E Blin, P Geffroy
Turbulent Shear Flows 8: Selected Papers from the Eighth International …, 1993
Seismo-ionosphere detection by underground SQUID in low-noise environment in LSBB-Rustrel, France
G Waysand, P Barroy, R Blancon, S Gaffet, C Guilpin, J Marfaing, ...
The European Physical Journal-Applied Physics 47 (1), 12705, 2009
About the world-wide magnetic-background noise in the millihertz frequency range
J Marfaing, JJ Bois, R Blancon, EP Di Borgo, G Waysand, S Gaffet, ...
EuroPhysics Letters 88 (1), 19002, 2009
Simultaneous geomagnetic monitoring with multiple SQUIDs and fluxgate sensors across underground laboratories
S Henry, EP di Borgo, C Danquigny, B Abi
E3S Web of Conferences 12, 02003, 2016
Earth–ionosphere couplings, magnetic storms, seismic precursors and TLEs: Results and prospects of the [SQUID]2 system in the low-noise underground …
G Waysand, J Marfaing, EP di Borgo, R Blancon, M Pyée, M Yedlin, ...
Comptes Rendus. Physique 12 (2), 192-202, 2011
Etude expérimentale de l'interaction entre une turbulence libre et une onde de choc
E Blin
Paris 6, 1993
Hydrodynamic organisation of the flows in the unsaturated zone of the Fontaine de Vaucluse karst system. First results
A Perineau, C Danquigny, C Emblanch, EP di Borgo, D Boyer, ...
i-DUST 2010, 01001, 2011
Tracking geomagnetic fluctuations to picotesla accuracy using two superconducting quantum interference device vector magnetometers
S Henry, E Pozzo di Borgo, A Cavaillou
Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (2), 2013
MD ax lvarez, B
B Canuel, A Bertoldi, L Amand, EP di Borgo, T Chantrait, C Danquigny
Fang, A. Freise, R. Geiger, J. Gillot, S. Henry, J. Hinderer, D. Holleville …, 2018
Monitoring geomagnetic signals of groundwater movement using multiple underground SQUID magnetometers
S Henry, EP Di Borgo, C Danquigny, A Cavaillou, A Cottle, S Gaffet, ...
E3S Web of Conferences 4, 02004, 2014
Minimal global magnetic millihertz fluctuation level determined from mid-latitude underground observations
EP di Borgo, J Marfaing, G Waysand
Europhysics Letters 97 (4), 49001, 2012
Exploring gravity with the MIGA large scale atom interferometer. Sci Rep. 2018; 8: 14064
B Canuel, A Bertoldi, L Amand, E Pozzo di Borgo, T Chantrait, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.02490, 0
Global observation of 24 November 2006 Pc5 pulsations by single mid-latitude underground [SQUID]2 system
J Marfaing, E Pozzo di Borgo, G Waysand, A Cavaillou, M Parrot
Annales Geophysicae 29 (11), 1977-1984, 2011
Azimuthal analysis of [SQUID] 2 signals for mesopause and sprites excitations
G Waysand, EP Di Borgo, S Soula, M Pyée, J Marfaing, JJ Bois, M Yedlin, ...
i-DUST 2010, 02004, 2011
ULF magnetic ionosphere precursor of Sichuan earthquake detected by [SQUID] 2 system in LSBB-Rustrel
G Waysand, P Barroy, R Blancon, J Bois, S Gaffet, J Marfaing, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2008, S53B-1838, 2008
Original experimental bench based on a large loop for environmental measurements at LSBB
C Dezord, G Micolau, C Abbas, A Mesgouez, EP Di Borgo
NSG2021 1st Conference on Hydrogeophysics 2021 (1), 1-5, 2021
Implementation of an unshielded SQUID as a geomagnetic sensor
LJJ van Vuuren, A Kilian, TJ Phiri, CJ Fourie, EP di Borgo, P Febvre, ...
2013 Africon, 1-5, 2013
Characterisation of magnetic field fluctuations at different locations within the Laboratoire Souterrain à Bas Bruit using a new SQUID magnetometer prototype
V Andrieux, M Auguste, D Boyer, A Cavaillou, C Clarke, P Febvre, ...
i-DUST 2010, 02003, 2011
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Articles 1–20