Rahnuma Islam Nishat
Rahnuma Islam Nishat
Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Brock University, ON, Canada
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Cited by
Minimum-area drawings of plane 3-trees
D Mondal, RI Nishat, MS Rahman, MJ Alam
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 15 (2), 177-204, 2011
Planar and plane slope number of partial 2-trees
W Lenhart, G Liotta, D Mondal, RI Nishat
Graph Drawing: 21st International Symposium, GD 2013, Bordeaux, France …, 2013
Point-set embeddings of plane 3-trees
RI Nishat, D Mondal, MS Rahman
Computational Geometry 45 (3), 88-98, 2012
Minimum-segment convex drawings of 3-connected cubic plane graphs
D Mondal, RI Nishat, S Biswas, MS Rahman
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 25 (3), 460-480, 2013
A note on minimum-segment drawings of planar graphs
S Durocher, D Mondal, RI Nishat, S Whitesides
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 17 (3), 301-328, 2013
Map folding
RI Nishat
Reconfiguring Hamiltonian cycles in L-shaped grid graphs
RI Nishat, S Whitesides
International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 325-337, 2019
Table cartogram
W Evans, S Felsner, M Kaufmann, SG Kobourov, D Mondal, RI Nishat, ...
Computational Geometry 68, 174-185, 2018
Table cartograms
W Evans, S Felsner, M Kaufmann, SG Kobourov, D Mondal, RI Nishat, ...
Algorithms–ESA 2013: 21st Annual European Symposium, Sophia Antipolis …, 2013
Closed space‐filling curves with controlled orientation for 3D printing
A Bedel, Y Coudert‐Osmont, J Martínez, RI Nishat, S Whitesides, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 41 (2), 473-492, 2022
Touching triangle representations for 3-connected planar graphs
SG Kobourov, D Mondal, RI Nishat
Graph Drawing: 20th International Symposium, GD 2012, Redmond, WA, USA …, 2013
The range beacon placement problem for robot navigation
R Allen, N MacMillan, D Marinakis, RI Nishat, R Rahman, S Whitesides
2014 Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, 151-158, 2014
Acyclic coloring with few division vertices
D Mondal, RI Nishat, MS Rahman, S Whitesides
Journal of Discrete Algorithms 23, 42-53, 2013
Point-set embeddability of 2-colored trees
F Frati, M Glisse, WJ Lenhart, G Liotta, T Mchedlidze, RI Nishat
International Symposium on Graph Drawing, 291-302, 2012
Bend complexity and Hamiltonian cycles in grid graphs
RI Nishat, S Whitesides
International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, 445-456, 2017
Acyclic colorings of graph subdivisions revisited
D Mondal, RI Nishat, S Whitesides, MS Rahman
Journal of Discrete Algorithms 16, 90-103, 2012
Reconfiguration of Hamiltonian cycles and paths in grid graphs
RI Nishat
Hamiltonian paths and cycles in planar graphs
S Biswas, S Durocher, D Mondal, RI Nishat
Combinatorial Optimization and Applications: 6th International Conference …, 2012
Reconfiguring Simple st Hamiltonian Paths in Rectangular Grid Graphs
RI Nishat, V Srinivasan, S Whitesides
Combinatorial Algorithms: 32nd International Workshop, IWOCA 2021, Ottawa …, 2021
Embedding Plane 3-Trees in ℝ2 and ℝ3
S Durocher, D Mondal, RI Nishat, MS Rahman, S Whitesides
Graph Drawing: 19th International Symposium, GD 2011, Eindhoven, The …, 2012
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Articles 1–20