Jaime Carpio Huertas
Jaime Carpio Huertas
Profesor de Mecánica de Fluidos. E.T.S. Ingenieros Industriales. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
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Cited by
An approach to operational modal analysis using the expectation maximization algorithm
FJ Cara, J Carpio, J Juan, E Alarcón
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 31, 109-129, 2012
Critical radius for hot-jet ignition of hydrogen-air mixtures
J Carpio, I Iglesias, M Vera, AL Sánchez, A Liñán
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (7), 3105-3109, 2013
Pinch-off in forced and non-forced, buoyant laminar jet diffusion flames
J Carpio, M Sánchez-Sanz, E Fernández-Tarrazo
Combustion and Flame 159 (1), 161-169, 2012
Mathematical and numerical analysis of a nonlinear diffusive climate energy balance model
R Bermejo, J Carpio, JI Diaz, L Tello
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 49, 1180-1210, 2009
Diffusion-flame flickering as a hydrodynamic global mode
D Moreno-Boza, W Coenen, A Sevilla, J Carpio, AL Sánchez, A Liñán
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 798, 997-1014, 2016
Anisotropic 'goal-oriented' mesh adaptivity for elliptic problems
J Carpio, JL Prieto, R Bermejo
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (2), A861 - A885., 2013
An adaptive finite element semi-Lagrangian Runge-Kutta-Chebychev method for convection dominated reaction-diffusion problems
R Bermejo, J Carpio
Applied Numerical Mathematics 58 (1), 16-39, 2008
On the critical conditions for pool-fire puffing
D Moreno-Boza, W Coenen, J Carpio, AL Sánchez, FA Williams
Combustion and Flame 192, 426-438, 2018
An anisotropic, fully adaptive algorithm for the solution of convection dominated equations with semi-Lagrangian schemes
J Carpio, JL Prieto
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 273, 77-99, 2014
A local anisotropic adaptive algorithm for the solution of low-Mach transient combustion problems
J Carpio, JL Prieto, M Vera
Journal of Computational Physics 306, 19-42, 2016
A semi-Lagrangian-Galerkin projection scheme for convection equations
R Bermejo, J Carpio
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 30 (3), 799 - 831, 2010
Multivariate exponential smoothing and dynamic factor model applied to hourly electricity price analysis
J Carpio, J Juan, D López
Technometrics 56 (4), 494-503, 2014
A space-time element algorithm based on dual weighted residual methodology for parabolic equations
R Bermejo, J Carpio
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (5), 3324-3355, 2009
Numerical description of axisymmetric blue whirls over liquid-fuel pools
J Carpio, W Coenen, AL Sánchez, ES Oran, FA Williams
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2), 2041-2048, 2021
Pyrolysis effects during high-temperature vaporization of alkane droplets
Á Muelas, J Carpio, J Ballester, AL Sánchez, FA Williams
Combustion and Flame 217, 38-47, 2020
Aerodynamics of axisymmetric counterflowing jets
J Carpio, A Liñán, AL Sánchez, FA Williams
Combustion and Flame 177, 137-143, 2017
A nearly-conservative high-order Lagrange–Galerkin method for the resolution of scalar convection-dominated equations in non-divergence-free velocity fields
M Colera, J Carpio, R Bermejo
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 372, 113366, 2020
Hysteresis in the vaporization-controlled inertial regime of nonpremixed counterflow spray combustion
J Carpio, D Martínez-Ruiz, A Liñán, AL Sánchez, FA Williams
Combustion Science and Technology, 2020
Systematically derived one-step kinetics for hydrogen-air gas-turbine combustion
J Carpio, B Li, D Fernández-Galisteo, AL Sánchez, FA Williams
Combustion and Flame 250, 112633, 2023
Vortex breakdown in variable-density gaseous swirling jets
BW Keeton, J Carpio, KK Nomura, AL Sánchez, FA Williams
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 936, A1, 2022
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Articles 1–20