Savvas Saloustros
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Cited by
Numerical analysis of structural damage in the church of the Poblet Monastery
S Saloustros, L Pelà, P Roca, J Portal
Engineering Failure Analysis 48, 41-61, 2015
Challenges, Tools and Applications of Tracking Algorithms in the Numerical Modelling of Cracks in Concrete and Masonry Structures
S Saloustros, M Cervera, L Pelà
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-45, 2018
Finite element modelling of internal and multiple localized cracks
S Saloustros, L Pelà, M Cervera, P Roca
Computational Mechanics 59 (2), 299-316, 2017
Analytical derivation of seismic fragility curves for historical masonry structures based on stochastic analysis of uncertain material parameters
S Saloustros, L Pelà, FR Contrafatto, P Roca, I Petromichelakis
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 13 (7), 1142-1164, 2019
An enhanced finite element macro-model for the realistic simulation of localized cracks in masonry structures: A large-scale application
S Saloustros, L Pelà, M Cervera, P Roca
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 12 (3), 432-447, 2018
A crack-tracking technique for localized cohesive–frictional damage
S Saloustros, L Pelà, M Cervera
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 150, 96-114, 2015
Tracking multi-directional intersecting cracks in numerical modelling of masonry shear walls under cyclic loading
S Saloustros, M Cervera, L Pelà
Meccanica 53 (7), 1757-1776, 2018
Out-of-plane seismic response and failure mechanism of masonry structures using finite elements with enhanced strain accuracy
G Vlachakis, M Cervera, GB Barbat, S Saloustros
Engineering Failure Analysis 97 (March), 534-555, 2019
Experimental and numerical insights on the diagonal compression test for the shear characterisation of masonry
J Segura, L Pelà, S Saloustros, P Roca
Construction and Building Materials 287, 122964, 2021
Nonlinear numerical modeling of complex masonry heritage structures considering history-related phenomena in staged construction analysis and material uncertainty in seismic …
S Saloustros, L Pelà, P Roca
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 34 (5), 04020096, 2020
Seismic vulnerability index method for hybrid timber–masonry structures. Numerical calibration and application to the city of Valparaíso, Chile
B Jiménez, S Saloustros, L Pelà
Journal of Building Engineering 44, 103185, 2021
Cylindrical samples of brick masonry with aerial lime mortar under compression: experimental and numerical study
L Pelà, S Saloustros, P Roca
Construction and Building Materials 227, 116782, 2019
Image-based geometric digital twinning for stone masonry elements
BG Pantoja-Rosero, S Saloustros, R Achanta, K Beyer
Automation in Construction 145, 104632, 2023
Photogrammetry-aided numerical seismic assessment of historical structures composed of adobe, stone and brick masonry. Application to the San Juan Bautista Church built on the …
E Cuadros-Rojas, S Saloustros, N Tarque, L Pelà
Engineering Failure Analysis 158, 107984, 2024
Accurate and locking-free analysis of beams, plates and shells using solid elements
S Saloustros, M Cervera, S Kim, M Chiumenti
Computational Mechanics 67 (3), 883-914, 2021
Seismic assessment of historical masonry construction including uncertainty
Y Petromichelakis, S Saloustros, L Pelà
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics …, 2014
Correlation between sonic pulse velocity and flat-jack tests for the estimation of the elastic properties of unreinforced brick masonry: Case studies from Croatia
J Ortega, M Stepinac, L Lulić, MN García, S Saloustros, C Aranha, ...
Case studies in construction materials 19, e02467, 2023
Modelling of in-plane seismic behaviour of one-way steel or timber jack arch floors in existing buildings. Application to the Eixample district of Barcelona
S Dimovska, S Saloustros, L Pelà, P Roca
Engineering Structures 262, 114343, 2022
Tracking localized cracks in the computational analysis of masonry structures
S Saloustros
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-BarcelonaTech) - PhD thesis, 2017
Drift capacity models for the new masonry chapter of Eurocode 8 Part 1-2
K Beyer, EAI Araya, S Saloustros
European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, 398-416, 2022
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Articles 1–20