Muhammad Rifqi Damm
Muhammad Rifqi Damm
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
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Cited by
Antropologi Agama: Wacana-Wacana Mutakhir dalam Kajian Religi dan Budaya
T Rudyansjah, M Damm, A Solihat, G Riyanto, I Ardhianto, N Amanulloh
Penerbit Universitas Indonesia, 2012
Kematian: Sebuah Risalah tentang Eksistensi dan Ketiadaan
M Damm
Penerbit Kepik, 2011
Policy Implementation In Handling Transnational Crimes In Indonesian Sea Borders
M Rifqi, LY Prakoso
1st International Conference of Business and Social Sciences 1 (1), 2020
The (trans) formation of religious capital in Indonesian politics during New Order era: A case study of Nahdlatul Ulama
MR Damm
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences and Humanities 8 (2), 145-157, 2018
Drug Crime as a Threat to Indonesia's National Security
M Rifqi, E Bangun
Jurnal Pertahanan: Media Informasi tentang Kajian dan Strategi Pertahanan …, 2020
Social exclusion, religious capital, and the quality of life: Multiple case studies of Indonesia and Thailand
F Seda, L Setyawati, YHT Pera, MR Damm, K Nobel
Econ. Sociol 13, 107-124, 2020
Lubang Buaya, Kuburan Para Pahlawan: Abjeksi dalam Historiografi Peristiwa 1 Oktober 1965
M Damm
Antropologi Indonesia 38 (2), 105, 2017
The paradox of relational well-being: A comparative study of south-east and east asian countries
FSSE Seda, LS Setiono, YHT Pera, R Febriani, MR Damm, KN Kurniawan
The Senshu social well-being review 5, 83-91, 2018
Desa dan Hutan, Gunung dan Lautan: Sebuah Kajian Antropologi tentang Pola Keruangan pada Masyarakat Huaulu di Pulau Seram
M Rifqi
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
Gerakan Pemuda Ansor: dari era kolonial hingga pascareformasi
AR Alamsyah, A Rahmat, AC Crenata, H Bawono, J Anwar, ...
Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, 2018
Spatial arrangement and the making of cosmos in Huaulu society
MDM Damm
Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture 3 (2), 70-95, 2016
Recognising floods, recognising people? Flood risk management in riverfront urban kampongs of Indonesia
M Wiering, E MacAfee, T Saharan, M Damm, M Irvan, CR Priadi, ...
Journal of Flood Risk Management 18 (1), e13014, 2025
The impacts of the policies implementation to handle the COVID-19 pandemic in the field of employment
E Bangun, M Rifqi, B Prokoso
E3S Web of Conferences 331, 02007, 2021
Religious Association and Relational Well-Being a Comparative Study Between Indonesia and Japan
MR Damm, L Setyawati, R Hamda
Social Well-Being, Development, and Multiple Modernities in Asia, 293-314, 2024
Social Well-Being. A Comparative Perspective
FSSE Seda, LS Setiono, KN Kurniawan, MR Damm, F Pebriansah, ...
Penerbit Buku Kompas, 2024
Desa dan Hutan, Gunung dan Lautan: Antropologi Ruang pada Masyarakat Huaulu, Maluku
MR Damm
The Intertwined of Hierarchy and Precedence in Huaulu Universe: How the Actualization of Gender Quality Making Values of Things
MR Damm
7th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia, 2019
Ruh Tanpa Tubuh, Tubuh Tanpa Ruh: Keterangan tentang Mati di Antara Universalisme Filsafati dan Partikularisme Antropologis
M Damm
Antropologi Indonesia 32 (2), 4, 2013
Anthropometamorphosis: Konseptualisasi atas Materialitas Tubuh dalam Studi Antropologi
M Damm
Antropologi Agama: Wacana-Wacana Mutakhir dalam Kajian Religi dan Budaya, 31-55, 2012
A Case Study of Nahdlatul Ulama
MR Damm
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Articles 1–20