Jérémie Vidal
Jérémie Vidal
CNRS Researcher (LGL-TPE, ENS Lyon - Univ. Lyon 1)
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Libration‐driven flows in ellipsoidal shells
D Lemasquerier, AM Grannan, J Vidal, D Cébron, B Favier, M Le Bars, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 122 (9), 1926-1950, 2017
Subcritical thermal convection of liquid metals in a rapidly rotating sphere
EJ Kaplan, N Schaeffer, J Vidal, P Cardin
Physical review letters 119 (9), 094501, 2017
Quasi-geostrophic modes in the Earth's fluid core with an outer stably stratified layer
J Vidal, N Schaeffer
Geophysical Journal International 202 (3), 2182-2193, 2015
Magnetic fields driven by tidal mixing in radiative stars
J Vidal, D Cébron, N Schaeffer, R Hollerbach
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475 (4), 4579-4594, 2018
Turbulent viscosity acting on the equilibrium tidal flow in convective stars
J Vidal, AJ Barker
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 888 (2), L31, 2020
Rotating double-diffusive convection in stably stratified planetary cores
R Monville, J Vidal, D Cébron, N Schaeffer
Geophysical Journal International 219 (Issue Supplement 1), S195-S218, 2019
Experimental and theoretical study of magnetohydrodynamic ship models
D Cébron, S Viroulet, J Vidal, JP Masson, P Viroulet
PloS one 12 (6), e0178599, 2017
Fossil field decay due to nonlinear tides in massive binaries
J Vidal, D Cébron, A ud-Doula, E Alecian
Astronomy & Astrophysics 629 (A142), 1-27, 2019
Inviscid instabilities in rotating ellipsoids on eccentric Kepler orbits
J Vidal, D Cébron
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 833, 469–511, 2017
Efficiency of tidal dissipation in slowly rotating fully convective stars or planets
J Vidal, AJ Barker
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 497 (4), 4472-4485, 2020
Core eigenmodes and their impact on the Earth’s rotation
SA Triana, M Dumberry, D Cébron, J Vidal, A Trinh, F Gerick, J Rekier
Surveys in Geophysics, 1-42, 2022
The effects of a Robin boundary condition on thermal convection in a rotating spherical shell
TT Clarté, N Schaeffer, S Labrosse, J Vidal
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 918, A36, 2021
Mean zonal flows induced by weak mechanical forcings in rotating spheroids
D Cébron, J Vidal, N Schaeffer, A Borderies, A Sauret
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 916, A39, 2021
Pressure torque of torsional Alfvén modes acting on an ellipsoidal mantle
F Gerick, D Jault, J Noir, J Vidal
Geophysical Journal International 222 (1), 338-351, 2020
Acoustic spectra of a gas-filled rotating spheroid
S Su, D Cébron, HC Nataf, P Cardin, J Vidal, M Solazzo, Y Do
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 84, 302-310, 2020
Compressible fluid modes in rigid ellipsoids: towards modal acoustic velocimetry
J Vidal, S Su, D Cébron
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 885, A39, 2020
Precession-driven flows in stress-free ellipsoids
J Vidal, D Cébron
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 954, A5, 2023
ud-Doula, A., & Alecian
J Vidal, D Cébron
E, 2019
Acoustic and inertial modes in planetary-like rotating ellipsoids
J Vidal, D Cébron
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476 (2239), 20200131, 2020
Diffusionless hydromagnetic modes in rotating ellipsoids: a road to weakly nonlinear models?
J Vidal, D Cébron, N Schaeffer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.07198, 2017
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Articles 1–20