Electrostrain in excess of 1% in polycrystalline piezoelectrics RR Bastola Narayan 1, Jaskaran Singh Malhotra 1, Rishikesh Pandey 1, Krishna ...
Nature Materials 17 (2018), 427–431, 2018
227 * 2018 Phase coexistence and the structure of the morphotropic phase boundary region in (1− x) Bi (Mg1/2Zr1/2) O3–xPbTiO3 piezoceramics R Pandey, A Tiwari, A Upadhyay, AK Singh
Acta materialia 76, 198-206, 2014
29 2014 Structural and dielectric characterization on multiferroic xNi0. 9Zn0. 1Fe2O4/(1− x) PbZr0. 52Ti0. 48O3 particulate composite R Pandey, BR Meena, AK Singh
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27 2014 Presence of a monoclinic (Pm) phase in the morphotropic phase boundary region of multiferroic (1x)Bi(Ni1/2Ti1/2)O3-xPbTiO3 solid solution: A Rietveld study R Pandey, AK Singh
22 2014 Stability of ferroelectric phases and magnetoelectric response in multiferroic (1-x) Bi (Ni1/2Ti1/2) O3-PbTiO3/xNi0. 6Zn0. 4Fe2O4 particulate composites R Pandey, U Shankar, SS Meena, AK Singh
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18 2019 Absence of tetragonal distortion in (1− x) SrTiO3-xBi (Zn1/2Ti1/2) O3 solid solution R Pandey, R Kiran Pillutla, U Shankar, A Kumar Singh
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (18), 2013
15 2013 Incommensurately modulated phase and charge ordering transition in nanocrystalline Nd0. 5Sr0. 5MnO3 perovskite U Shankar, R Pandey, AK Singh
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (12), 2018
12 2018 Electric Field Induced Cubic to Monoclinic Phase Transition in Multiferroic 0.65Bi(Ni1/2Ti1/2)O3-0.35PbTiO3 Solid Solution RPAK Singh
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12 2014 New Lead‐free (1−x )BaTiO3 –x Bi(Mg1/2 Zr1/2 )O3 Solid Solution with Morphotropic Phase Boundary and Diffuse Phase Transition S Anand, R Pandey, U Shankar, AK Singh
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99 (11), 3651-3658, 2016
9 2016 Synthesis and structural studies on piezoceramics A Upadhyay, R Pandey, S Anand, AK Singh
AIP Conference Proceedings 1591 (1), 79-80, 2014
4 2014 Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Highly Tetragonal (1-x) Bi (Zn1/2Ti1/2) O3-xPbTiO3 Piezoceramics J Sharma, R Pandey, AK Singh
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2 2013 Structural, Ferroelectric, Magnetic and Magnetoelectric Response in Multiferroic (1-x) Bi (Ni1/2Ti1/2) O3-PbTiO3/xNi0. 6Zn0. 4Fe2O4 Particulate Composites R Pandey, U Shankar, SS Meena, AK Singh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.01148, 2018
1 2018 Phase coexistence and the structure of the morphotropic phase boundary region in (1 x)Bi(Mg1/2Zr1/2) O3–xPbTiO3 piezoceramics AKS Rishikesh Pandey, Ashish Tiwari, Ashutosh Upadhyay
Acta Materialia 76 (2014) 198–206 76, 198, 0
Phase Coexistence And The Structure Of The MPB Region In BNT-PT ceramics R Pandey, SK Mishra, AK Singh