Mahin Chandramohan
Cited by
Cited by
graph2vec: Learning Distributed Representations of Graphs
N Annamalai, C Mahinthan, V Rajasekar, C Lihui, L Yang, J Shantanu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.05005, 2017
Steelix: program-state based binary fuzzing
Y Li, B Chen, M Chandramohan, SW Lin, Y Liu, A Tiu
Proceedings of the 2017 11th joint meeting on foundations of software …, 2017
Bingo: Cross-architecture cross-os binary search
M Chandramohan, Y Xue, Z Xu, Y Liu, CY Cho, HBK Tan
Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on …, 2016
Semantics-based online malware detection: Towards efficient real-time protection against malware
S Das, Y Liu, W Zhang, M Chandramohan
IEEE transactions on information forensics and security 11 (2), 289-302, 2015
subgraph2vec: Learning distributed representations of rooted sub-graphs from large graphs
A Narayanan, M Chandramohan, L Chen, Y Liu, S Saminathan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.08928, 2016
SPAIN: Security Patch Analysis for Binaries - Towards Understanding the Pain and Pills
Z Xu, B Chen, M Chandramohan, Y Liu, F Song
Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2017
Detection of mobile malware in the wild
M Chandramohan, HBK Tan
Computer 45 (9), 65-71, 2012
A multi-view context-aware approach to Android malware detection and malicious code localization
A Narayanan, M Chandramohan, L Chen, Y Liu
Empirical Software Engineering 23, 1222-1274, 2018
Context-aware, adaptive, and scalable android malware detection through online learning
A Narayanan, M Chandramohan, L Chen, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 1 (3 …, 2017
Mystique: Evolving Android Malware for Auditing Anti-Malware Tools
G Meng, Y Xue, M Chandramohan, A Narayanan, Y Liu, J Zhang, T Chen
ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2016), 2016
Accurate and scalable cross-architecture cross-os binary code search with emulation
Y Xue, Z Xu, M Chandramohan, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 45 (11), 1125-1149, 2018
graph2vec: Learning distributed representations of graphs. arXiv 2017
A Narayanan, M Chandramohan, R Venkatesan, L Chen, Y Liu, S Jaiswal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.05005, 0
Detection and classification of malicious JavaScript via attack behavior modelling
Y Xue, J Wang, Y Liu, H Xiao, J Sun, M Chandramohan
Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Software Testing and …, 2015
A scalable approach for malware detection through bounded feature space behavior modeling
M Chandramohan, HBK Tan, LC Briand, LK Shar, BM Padmanabhuni
2013 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2013
Has this bug been reported?
K Liu, HBK Tan, M Chandramohan
Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT 20th International Symposium on the …, 2012
Application of multi-objective bee colony optimization algorithm to automated red teaming
MYH Low, M Chandramohan, CS Choo
Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Proceedings of the 2009, 1798-1808, 2009
ROPSentry: runtime defense against ROP attacks using hardware performance counters
S Das, B Chen, M Chandramohan, Y Liu, W Zhang
Computers & Security 73, 374-388, 2018
Scalable Malware Clustering through Coarse-Grained Behavior Modeling
M Chandramohan, HBK Tan, LK Shar
Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT 20th International Symposium on the …, 2012
Autonomous bee colony optimization for multi-objective function
F Zeng, J Decraene, MYH Low, P Hingston, C Wentong, Z Suiping, ...
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1-8, 2010
Evolvable simulations applied to Automated Red Teaming: A preliminary study
J Decraene, M Chandramohan, MYH Low, CS Choo
Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Proceedings of the 2010, 1444-1455, 2010
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Articles 1–20