Cornelia Staritz
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Cited by
Global value chains in a postcrisis world: a development perspective
O Cattaneo, G Gereffi, C Staritz
World Bank Publications, 2010
Global Value Chains in a Postcrisis World: Resilience, Consolidation, and Shifting End Markets
O Cattaneo, G Gereffi, C Staritz
Global value chains in a postcrisis world: A development perspective, 1, 2010
Making the cut? Low-income countries and the global clothing value chain in a post-quota and post-crisis world
C Staritz
The World Bank, 2011
Value chain dynamics, local embeddedness, and upgrading in the clothing sectors of Lesotho and Swaziland
M Morris, C Staritz, J Barnes
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development …, 2011
Industrialization trajectories in Madagascar’s export apparel industry: Ownership, embeddedness, markets, and upgrading
M Morris, C Staritz
World Development 56, 243-257, 2014
Regionalism, end markets and ownership matter: Shifting dynamics in the apparel export industry in Sub Saharan Africa
M Morris, C Staritz, L Plank
Vienna: ÖFSE, 2014
Shifting end markets and upgrading prospects in global value chains
C Staritz, G Gereffi, O Cattaneo
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development …, 2011
Upgrading, interactive learning, and innovation systems in value chain interventions
C Pietrobelli, C Staritz
The European Journal of Development Research 30, 557-574, 2018
The gender dimensions of global value chains
P Bamber, C Staritz
Geneva: International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development, 2016
Industrial upgrading and development in Lesotho’s apparel industry: global value chains, foreign direct investment, and market diversification
M Morris, C Staritz
Oxford Development Studies 45 (3), 303-320, 2016
Developments in the global apparel industry after the MFA phaseout
S Frederick, C Staritz
Sewing Success? Employment, Wages, and Poverty following the End of the …, 2012
Global value chains, industrial policy, and sustainable development–Ethiopia’s apparel export sector
C Staritz, L Plank, M Morris
Country Case Study, Geneva: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable …, 2016
Trade policy and regionalisms in global clothing production networks
J Pickles, L Plank, C Staritz, A Glasmeier
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 8 (3), 381-402, 2015
Global value chains, industrial policy and economic upgrading in Ethiopia's apparel sector
L Whitfield, C Staritz, M Morris
Development and Change 51 (4), 1018-1043, 2020
Challenges for global value chain interventions in Latin America
C Pietrobelli, C Staritz
Inter-American Development Bank, 2013
Local embeddedness, upgrading and skill development: global value chains and foreign direct investment in Lesotho's apparel industry
C Staritz, M Morris
Capturing the Gains Working Paper No. 20, 2013
Global Competition, Institutional Context, and Regional Production Networks: Up- and Downgrading Experiences in Romania’s Apparel Industry
L Plank, C Staritz
Vienna: ÖFSE, 2014
Workers and social upgrading in" fast fashion": The case of the apparel industry in Morocco and Romania
L Plank, A Rossi, C Staritz
ÖFSE Working Paper, 2012
Global value chains, economic upgrading, and gender: Case studies of the horticulture, tourism, and call center industries
C Staritz, JG Reis
World Bank, 2013
Globale Güterketten. Weltweite Arbeitsteilung und ungleiche Entwicklung.
K Fischer, C Reiner, C Staritz
Wien: Promedia, 2010
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Articles 1–20