Simon T. Apeh
Simon T. Apeh
Professor of Computer Engineering, University of Benin
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Cited by
Design and development of kitchen gas leakage detection and automatic gas shut off system
ST Apeh, KB Erameh, U Iruansi
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 5 (3 …, 2014
Secure edge computing vulnerabilities in smart cities sustainability using petri net and genetic algorithm-based reinforcement learning
LA Ajao, ST Apeh
Intelligent Systems with Applications 18, 200216, 2023
Blockchain integration with machine learning for securing fog computing vulnerability in smart city sustainability
LA Ajao, ST Apeh
2023 1st International Conference on Advanced Innovations in Smart Cities …, 2023
Predictive modeling of trait-aging invariant face recognition system using machine learning
K Okokpujie, S Apeh
Information Science and Applications: ICISA 2019, 431-440, 2020
Voltage Instability In Electrical Network: A case study of the Nigeria 330kV transmission Line
OS Onohaebi, ST Apeh
Research Journal of Applied Sciences 2 (8), 865-874, 2007
Secure fog computing vulnerability in smart city using machine learning and blockchain technology
LA Ajao, ST Apeh
networks 20 (23), 2023
A comparative assessment of software metrics tools
YU Mshelia, ST Apeh, O Edoghogho
2017 International Conference on Computing Networking and Informatics (ICCNI …, 2017
Development of Usable Security Heuristics for Fintech
S Ambore, H Dogan, ET Apeh
Design and simulation of an effective backup power supply for academic institutions in Nigeria: A case study of NDA postgraduate school
AE Airoboman, ST Apeha, UA Sanusi
Journal of Advances in Science and Engineering 6 (1), 13-19, 2022
Reduction of fire incidents due to electrical faults in buildings
SO Onohaebi, ST Apeh
Advanced Materials Research 62, 105-113, 2009
Voltage Instability in Electrical Network: A case study of Nigerian 330kV Transmission Grid
O Onahaebe, S Apeh
Research Journal of Applied Sciences 2 (8), 865-874, 2007
Voltage instability in electrical network
S Onahaebi, ST Apeh
a case study of the Nigeria 330, 855-874, 1815
Towards automation of building integrity tracking: review of building collapse in Nigeria
JU Okoye, ST Apeh, E Olaye, SO Osuji
NIPES-Journal of Science and Technology Research 5 (1), 2023
Towards a unified process model for comprehensive software metrics suite: An introduction
YU Mshelia, ST Apeh, E Olaye
2019 19th International Conference on Computational Science and Its …, 2019
Can Software Metrics Be Unified?
YU Mshelia, ST Apeh
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2019: 19th International …, 2019
Parametric Correlation and Variance in Constituent Software Metrics Tools of Project L^ 3
YU Mshelia, ST Apeh, E Olaye
Journal of Data Analysis 11 (6), 125-137, 2016
Modeling and analysis of framework for the implementation of a virtual workplace in Nigerian universities using coloured petri nets
J Okpor, ST Apeh
Intelligent Computing and Optimization: Proceedings of the 3rd International …, 2021
Optimal Spike Detection Technique Based on Amplitude Threshold
U Iruansi, ST Apeh
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology 4 (24), 3539, 2014
Development of home power management system
ST Apeh, CN Mokogwu
Nigerian Journal of Technological Research 8 (2), 30-34, 2013
Context-Aware Energy Management System for Data Acquisition in Wireless Sensor Networks
PE Ehizuenlen, S Apeh, BK Erameh
Journal of Research in Engineering and Computer Sciences 2 (1), 01-15, 2024
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Articles 1–20